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{It gets a bit smutty towards the end so if youre easily offended by shirtless men and talk of boners then what the fuck are you even doing here}


I spun around, meeting eyes with the ocean eyed boy who I'd grown to like.
"You came." I grinned, referring to the fact that he had came to school today.
He nodded, flashing a toothy grin.
"Um, I actually came to ask if-"
Lucy crashed into me, hugging me from the side.
"D-slice." She announced, making me cringe and laugh at the same time. I hugged her back, getting lost in her blonde locks.
"Phil?" She gave me a perplexed glance.
"Hey." He mumbled, looking at the ground.

The bell for first period rang, leaving us to go our separate ways for the day.

"What were you going to ask Phil?" I questioned, Lucy attached at my hip, begging me not to make her go to geography.
Phil shook his head. "Oh, nothing."

Lunch break rolled around painfully slow. I met Lucy in the cafeteria after collecting a ham sandwich and a carton of juice.

"Hey Danny boy." She greeted, patting the spot on the bench next to her. I gratefully obliged, placing my tray near hers.

"Your face has healed well." She noted, examining the places where my bruises and cuts once were. I nodded, my mouth full of food.
"Your boy toy is coming."
I gave her a questioning look before spinning my head only to meet eyes with Phil. I smiled, getting ready to greet him as he walked over quietly, a tray of food in his hands.

I watched as Phil toppled over face first, his torso pushing down into his meal. He gasped, moving up onto his knees with a painful expression plastered on his face. Lucy and I jumped up, moving quickly over to him. The student body seemed to stare only for a few minutes when they realised there would be no reaction from Phil. Trying to help Phil up, he shoved my hand away.
"Stop." He mumbled, picking up his now half empty food tray and placing it on the nearest table whilst he brushed sandwich crumbs and pudding cup off of his grey shirt. I tried not be offended and offered to take him to the nurse which he rudely declined. He looked to be on the verge of tears as we guided him to our table, seating him next to me.

"Here." I said quietly, passing him half of my sandwich but he shook his head.
"I need to use the bathroom." He stuttered, jumping up and removing himself efficiently from the room.
I glanced at Lucy, who gave me a nod as I followed Phil out of the room and into the boys bathroom.

I could make out soft sobs as I awkwardly stood in the empty laboratory.
"Phil?" I called out, my voice bouncing off the walls.
"Phil, I know you're in here."
A sniffle came from one of the stalls.
"Don't cry, please."

The middle stall opened and Phil stood there with puffy eyes and red cheeks. I pushed myself into his arms, his body shaking slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling away.
"I'm so stupid," he whispered, shaking his head. "I'm so fucking stupid!"
His sudden yelling made me jump, my heart pounding a little bit.
"I didn't ask to be like this!" He slammed his head into his hands, a prominent sob escaping his lips.
"Shhh." I tried, touching his hand but he flinched away.
"I hate m-myself." He cried.

I could tell this wasn't about the incident in the cafeteria. He obviously had a lot of problems and it only took that to break him. I watched as he stood in front of me, his head in his hands as he let out loud sobs into the bathroom.

"Phil." I said softly, trying to look him in the eye as he started to panic. His breathing was quick, his body shaking and his tears becoming harder to control.
"Phil." I tried, more authority in my voice.
He panicked when he noticed himself starting to shake, throwing himself into something larger.
"Phil." I shouted. "Phil, take a breath. You're giving yourself a panic attack."

He took a deep shaky breath, gripping my hand for balance. His oxford blue eyes turning a soft shade of hazed grey, his cheeks scarlet and tear stained.

"Please let me take you to the nurse." I whispered once he had calmed down.
It was mid 6th period, history, but I knew I didn't have anything important to miss so I insisted on staying with Phil on the floor of the boys bathroom. Nobody had bothered to enter because this one was placed furthest from the building that held majority of the classes, so we weren't faced with anybody.

"I'm not going to the nurse, Dan." He mumbled, fumbling with his hands.
"You had a panic attack. You're unstable. I'm not going to let you stay here." I replied, stroking his arm.
"I can't run away from my problems."
"You're not running away, you're taking care of yourself."
"I can't go home. My dad will," he paused, hesitant to continue. "I can't go home."

"My shirt is ruined." He muttered, looking down at his stained shirt. He moved to the sink, scrubbing at his shirt with wet paper towel, but only creating more of a mess. I sighed sympathetically, taking the paper towel out of his hands and throwing it in the bin.
"Can I, um," I paused, laughing softly. "Can I, I mean, can you take your, um, your shirt off?"
Phil laughed, slipping his shirt off and handing it to me as I tried not to become distracted by his topless body.
I scrubbed soap into the stained spots before running it under water and drying it under the hand dryer with ease. Phil smirked, impressed as I handed him back his near clean top.

Phil stood there topless, his muscles pulling his skin and turning me on slightly. I felt myself getting flustered, my body temperature getting warmer as he stood there with a smirk painted on his lips.

"You should, um, probably put your shirt on." I suggested, swallowing the lump in my throat.
He shook his head, laughing. "I should, but I enjoy watching you get flustered." I enjoyed watching him go from timid to flirty in a matter of minutes.

I admit that not all of the blood went to my head.

He moved towards me slowly, backing me against the wall, his body close to mine. He ran his fingers along the hem of my shirt, brushing his thumb against my bare stomach.
"Do you work out?" I mumbled, my hands shaking slightly.
"Yeah." He whispered through gritted teeth, staring into my eyes intensely.

He brushed his lips on mine, driving me insane, but I was content on keeping my mind in control over my actions.
"Phil." I mumbled as he pressed his body into mine, causing me to let out a small gasp. "Phil, we can't do this here."
"Why not?"
I couldn't think of a logical reason not to, but I knew we couldn't and shouldn't makeout in the boys bathroom and there was something that felt wrong about the whole situation.
I quickly kissed him on the lips, pushing past him and rubbing my sweaty hands on my jeans, glancing down to make sure I was presentable.

"At least buy me dinner first."

ngl i wasnt expecting it to get sexual at all but i watched magic mike xxl earlier and it inspired me to write something smutty lolzor

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