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I spent a large amount of time thinking about the universe.
The way we wrapped our arms around each other for comfort, making comparisons with the galaxy to another ones eyes. We show affection by telling one another that we specifically enjoy that shade on them. We throw around empty 'i love yous' but only feel mercy when we speak of something other than the truth.
We admire sunsets because the shades complex so enjoyably together and because it's the only thing we've ever learnt to admire.
We fall in and out of love because the only way we know we can be happy is if we're with another.
And of course we fantasize about the taste of someones lips, and the way their hand would feel in yours, even if we knew it was wrong.

"What are you thinking about, Dan?" My Mom asked, glancing at my Dad.
I thought about the stars and the way Phil's lips felt on mine one last time before pushing it into the back of my mind.
"Oh, nothing."

My family knew I was gay, of course, but we didn't discuss it often. It wasn't because they despised me for it, but because I, myself, didn't think it was all that relevant. Of course my family had some issues with it, specifically my Dad. He didn't approve nor want me bring another male home, but I wouldn't be fighting for equality in the form of an angry social media post, because that's just the way my family was- I understood that he could only handle so much and that was okay.

"So," my Dad mumbled, his fork scraping against his dinner plate, "how are your classes?"
I honestly did try to have a civilized conversation with Dad, but he didn't care for Literature or Art, he wanted me to play Rugby and know what a touchdown was. But I suppose when your son is a 5"6 homosexual who wears too much black, you know that won't be coming about any time soon.
"That's good."

I practiced piano for 2 hours, much to my Dads disgust. He was never fond of the fact that I found it necessary to recite Für Elise whilst the Football was on. My Mom, however, was delighted at the fact that I had at least one musical bone in my body, because of course I had to follow in her footsteps to becoming a musical genius.

"I'm going to bed now."
A collective group of "goodnight Dan" followed me up the stairs.
My house was unnecessarily big for 3 people, we had enough space for another family.
My room was decorated in band posters, a collection of monotone themed items were scattered amongst the white carpet and a bookcase over packed with literature classics and newer books such as Looking For Alaska.
Picking up The Hunger Games, I flipped to my marked page as I snuggled into my covers.
I read for a few hours until my eyes couldn't make out the words anymore and yawns became more prominent. My eyes felt heavier the more I blinked and soon I couldn't even find enough energy to put my book away. Trying to memorize my page number, fatigue took over and my body fell limp.
I fell asleep thinking about the gaze of the moon and how pineapple couldn't possibly belong on a pizza.
I fell asleep unintentionally reminiscing his touch, his eyes and his lips.

This was really short and i wish i was more proud of it, but its only a filler chapter that kind of introduces Dan and his character; his homelife, hobbies, etc.
I'll eventually do one for Phils character also.

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