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So.. since the next day was sunday; I had no hopes of meeting him and apologising.

But; **Thank god! Luck must have been in my favour**.

I got an opportunity to get rid of the burden of guilt, earlier than I thought!

That evening, I had been out to a nearby local store to get grocery **unwillingly, on my mother's compulsion**.

This store was adjacent to a park. As I finished my shopping and was about to leave, I caught sight of someone familiar in the park!
It was him!

I rushed towards him, gasping for breath. He looked up, and smiled!

I did not know how to start the conversation... but I just gathered all my courage and said "Sorry!"

He just smiled and said "It's ok!"

**What! That's all? Was he not angry with me? I was confused!**

ME: I.. I am really really sorry.. mm..... you know.. I didn't understand anything for a moment.. mm.. when you held my hand....so, I... you know... I should be careful right.. I..I..

HE: I know.. I can really understand; you need not apologise so much... I don't blame you... you did not do anything bad.. you were just being in your limits....

ME: So.. so.. are you not angry with me?

HE: No.. not at all!

ME: But.. but.. I slapped u!!!

HE: Ya.. that hurt, both my body & mind!... But it's alright;.. I can understand your situation!

ME: How can you be so calm?? If I would have been in your place I would have slapped back!

He smiled... **he was totally handsome!!** There was calmness in his eyes.. a strange light.. that made him look divine!!!

ME: So are you really not angry with me?

He shook his head as if to say- No.

ME: So..... mm... can we be friends?

I bit my tongue- **What is this? Was it me who asked that? No it can't be me... because I am horrible at making friends and don't ever ask anyone to be my friend voluntarily... Was this a slip of tongue? I was really surprised with myself.**

He seemed a bit surprised too.
HE: Are you sure about friendship?

ME: Why did you ask?

HE: I thought you were not interested in making new friends.. especially strangers like me... moreover you don't seem so confident about it.

ME: No no.. nothing like that!

**I can't back off now! He seems like a very good guy.**

ME: You saved my life! I can't find a better friend than you!!

He smiled... **again that gorgeous smile!!!**

HE: I would love to be your friend!

He held out his hand.. I gladly shook it!
We both smiled and parted our ways.

HE: Hey! Wait..

I turned back.. he was rushing towards me!

HE: Here!

He handed me a chocolate.. **OMG!!! CHOCOLATE!! I love chocolates.. couldn't wait to grab it!**
But I hesitated...

HE: It is a symbol of our friendship!!
**Again that gorgeous smile!!**

Looking at my puzzled expression; he started explaining..

HE: Our friendship should be sweet and memorable. It should give you unexplainable joy and pleasant feeling.. that feeling .. which you get
when you enjoy your favourite chocolate. I know how much you love them.

ME: Wait.. how did you know that I love them?

HE: Well; I saw the glow in your eyes when you looked at it! By the way it is my favourite too....
He winked!

I smiled but I got a doubt ..
ME: But.. chocolate has a short life.. it melts easily..! Do you want our friendship to be that short?

HE: I know that chocolate has a short physical existence. But it's fame lives in your heart forever. Right?
It's sweet taste, the pleasure it gives you... everything will stay in your heart forever!! So the span does not matter.. it's impact does!
Don't worry about the span of our friendship.. just enjoy the joy of it!!

**Wait.. what does he mean by that? Will it be a short one?? But it is fine... I should stop worrying.. as he adviced...!**

ME: Wow!... Ok then!.. I am looking forward for the wonderful feeling of that true friendship!!

HE: Same here..

He gave me the chocolate and I accepted it gladly..

HE: So.. then.. Good Night! Take care! Sweet dreams!

ME: Same to you! Bye!

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