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I woke up with a scream. Again that horrible nightmare!

I never believed that nightmares would come true... but I feared if mine would!

I now understood what it implied. I remembered him saying goodbye and disappearing from my life; just like he disappeared in my nightmare.

I just had one doubt.. about that horrible laughter... who was that? What does it mean? Was that the reason of our separation?

My intuition told me that these questions would be answered soon!

I was about to leave to college, when my sister gave me a tiny piece of chocolate ... Aaah.. chocolate...!!

" It is a symbol of our friendship!!.....
..... Don't worry about the span of our friendship.. just enjoy the joy of it. "

His words rang in my ears. Our friendship did have a really short span!!

Trying to swallow back the lump in my throat; I left to college.

It has been two days since I last saw him.

I tried to remove him from my thoughts while trying to concentrate on my studies. But why does my mind torture me so much???

When I smile at my friends; I remember his gorgeous smile. When I talk to people; I remember talking with him. When I hear people talking; I hear his sweet words instead!!!

The day passed by, ... but it felt like a year.

As I got down the bus; I eagerly looked at the bench.

But stupid me! How could I even expect to see him; after what happened!

I started doubting whether he really considered me a true friend. Maybe he was just using me as a time pass?

That thought infuriated me.
Sitting on that bench felt like sitting on the 'throne of thorn and fire'!

A few minutes later; a middle aged man come and sat beside me on the bench.

**That was where HE used to sit. Now someone else occupied it.** I sighed.

A minute later; I felt like I heard a sob beside me.
I was shocked, to see the person beside me crying!

I felt sad for him. I could not bear other people suffering. I wanted to help them in anyway I could. (Ofcourse! I was about to be a doctor and that is what I am supposed to do.)

"Excuse me!" He looked up. I looked at his face. **I don't know why but I got a shiver!** He looked scary and cruel with red eyes and a big scar on his right cheek. His eyebrows were dense and lips were thick and dark.

A part of me literally screamed and wanted to stay away from him. But I could not leave a sad person to suffer even more!
Looks should not be my concern.

ME: May I know why you are sad? I may not be able to relieve your sorrow, but sharing it might lessen your burden.

He opened his mouth to say something and a strong disagreeable odour surrounded me.
But being a medical student made me used to all kinds of offencive odours.

Man: My nephew passed away 3 days ago...

He broke into tears.
I felt sorry for him.

ME: How did it happen?

Man: Bike accident .. somewhere nearby here.

ME: I am really sorry.. you must have liked him a lot.

Man: Yes I did!

**Why did that sound awkward to me?**

He took out a photograph from his pocket and gave it to me. In it, standing beside this man was a familiar person.

I rubbed my eyes and narrowed them to see clearly. But the image did not change. I realised that it was not a mistake of my eyes.

It was really HIM!!!!!!
That person whom I called 'friend.'
That person who made me laugh.
That person who made me angry.
That person who is now making me cry.

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