Last one!

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In the hospital, he had informed our parents about the accident. They were worried, but felt great relief on hearing the words of the doctor.

Doctor: It is a miracle that she is still alive, in spite of such serious injuries. No worry now. She is recovering fast; she might be conscious by tomorrow. She will be completely fine in a span of 6 months.

Looking at the happy faces of my parents was enough. But he was not that happy. I waited and watched over him, day in and day out. He looked sad about something. I saw his parents and elder brother taking care of him.

They all looked so kind and good. I saw them taking turns along with my family to take care of Her. **They would have made wonderful in-laws, but I would not get that opportunity.** I sighed.

He too was recovering from his head injury. I watched him talking to his parents and my parents too, consoling them and making them cheerful every time they felt down.

Dad: If she is alive now, it is all because of you. We are extremely thankful to you.

My parents held his hands, shedding tears. My sister hugged him and said "Thank you!". He patted her head, giving her a warm brotherly smile.

HE: No, it is god's grace that she is alive.

Dad: We are completely sure that you will take good care of our daughter throughout her life. She is really lucky to have you as her husband.

**Yes, SHE is lucky!**

After my family left, he sat alone on his bed, with his head bent on his knees. He was alone in his room. **Why is he still upset? Is he blaming himself for the accident? Please! Don't do that!**

Not understanding what to do, I approached him. **I badly wanted to touch him.**
HE: Don't try hard. You can't touch me.

I was taken aback. **Was he talking to me? But no one could see me!** He looked up, straight towards me.

ME: Can you... can you...

HE: Yes, I can see you and hear you. You don't know how much you troubled me these 2 days, standing somewhere around me, staring at me. Seeing you like this is ...

His eyes turned glossy. **No! please don't cry... seeing your tears and not being able to wipe them; that is much worse than hell! Your tears will burn my soul... please don't cry... you were so brave all these days... don't break down because of me...** I pleaded mentally. If I had eyes, they would have been filled with tears. For the first time, I wanted my body back. **Staying so close to all of them and not being able to interact with them, this is my punishment. But he is an exception. He can never be my punishment.**

He smiled.

HE: Did you think I will cry over you? Never! I am not a cry baby, like you.

He put up a strong face. The tears were still there, but not a single drop fell. Eager to change the topic, I asked.

ME: But how? No one can see me or hear me.

HE: But I can. We are connected, did you forget?

ME: So, that day, you knew it was not me?

HE: Of course! I can know when my wife is in my arms and when she is not. But still, my 'heart' turned golden. And a golden heart means a helping heart. I found out, that she came to fulfil her duty and she needed my help. I had to help her out, especially when you gave your body to her, I knew this was important. So I carried her here.

I nodded. That moment; I wanted to hug him tight, I wanted to rub his cheeks, but I had no hands. I floated away from him, helpless.

HE: So, what are you planning to do with her?

ME: I don't know! I didn't plan anything. It just happened. Guess I have to be here as long as she needs me.
HE: That is going to be difficult for you. I can see, how troubled you already are.

I bent my head. **Yes, he is telling the truth. But what should I do?**

ME: Let us look at the brighter side, I need to visit her only when she calls for me. So until then I can be with you and occasionally go to my parents and sister. So it will just be like we have got married and I've got shifted to your house.

HE: Hmm... so you want to trouble me like this. Making me look like a mad man, talking to air.

He was clearly teasing me.

ME: Yes! You need to understand how I felt when you went away. So this is a punishment for you, for leaving me then.

He was silent. I felt bad.

ME: I've got more advantages... I can tease you, throw stuff at you and still escape from you.

HE: Oh really! Then I'll flirt with her, i.e. with your body, right in front of your eyes and enjoy your jealous face.

ME: No!...

I made the pillow fly towards him. But he dodged it, laughing.

HE: See, I can still escape your attacks.

ME: I will take care of you later.

HE: All the best!

I drifted out of the room with a doubt. **Ghosts don't have blood. Can they blush? If they can, maybe I was blushing. Now-a-days, becoming shy is so common when I am with him.** He, being able to see me and talk to me, was the biggest boon ever.

She became conscious after an hour. I watched her from far; I didn't want to meet her so soon. She got along well with my family. That was enough.

I had left my memories, thoughts, knowledge, habits, everything in my body; so that she didn't find it difficult to adjust in my body and pretend to be me.

But she still had the freedom to behave the way she wanted. Even if she didn't behave like me, People would simply think I was badly affected by the accident, so no one can suspect.

But some things I didn't give her... my memories with him.
That night, I went into his room.

HE: A night with a soul in my room... creepy!

ME: You did the same with me.

I said carelessly settling at the foot of his bed.

HE: Goodnight Radha!

ME : I love you Krishna !

**What just happened? Did I say his name? I felt like I knew it all the time. But my body didn't know it. Yes ! my soul knew his name. We were bonded like this since we started existing.**

He smiled.

HE: I love you too !

I watched him sleep peacefully, but his soul was making my world spin.


I whispered looking at him.

As the early rays of dawn appeared, I prepared myself for a new beginning .

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