21 // "Zi Tao did not get the company's support"

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I checked my schedule of the members. Xiumin should be working out in the gym. I walked over to the gym and found him running on the treadmill with headphones in his ears.

I walked over to him, noticing several people working out. I nodded at Choi Minho, as he ran around the track, trying to look like a normal manager. "Can we talk?" I asked Xiumin.

Xiumin pulled out a headphone from his ear. He looked annoyed, but maybe it was his running face.

"I'm going to talk to you and make it look like I'm saying manager things to you," I told him.

"Can you make it fast? I don't like to run and hear myself breathe. But I have to get to five miles soon so I can go to dance practice."

I bit my lip. I was working Xiumin too hard.

"Just talk, okay?" Xiumin said.

"I just can't stop thinking about how I'm basically ruining you," I said.

Xiumin shook his head. "There's been little press on it, and the rumour sites already think we're dating. But the rumour sites also say Suho is gay, so."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm saying this is how bad it's going to get. I mean, we're being pretty private about it. For the little time we have together."

I stared at him. I still didn't know what he was meaning.

"I'm saying that I don't care, okay? Whatever Kai says, I don't care. Don't listen to him."

I nodded.

"It did piss me off that he tried to kiss you though," Xiumin said.

"Why did he try to do that?" I asked.

Xiumin shook his head again. "Not here. We'll talk tonight-"

Our attention was diverted to commotion coming from the hallway. "Go find out what's going on," Xiumin told me. "I don't have a good feeling."

I quickly walked over to the hallway, and I saw Kim J. They were all talking in Korean, and I had no idea what was going on. I checked my phone to see an email.

From: Kim J

It was in Korean. Kim J was clearly busy talking to everyone else, so I ran to my office to pull it up on my laptop and copy and paste it to Google translate. I ran my hand through my hair when I got to my desk. I just knew this wasn't going to be good.

I hadn't even finished the first sentence, and the tears began to pour out of my eyes.

"Hello followers of Huang Zi Tao, I am his father.
"My emotions are very complicated as I write this letter as I know that my decision will hurt many people, including my son Huang Zi Tao. Although I have thought very much about this, in his heart he may not understand and hate my selfishness. Throughout this whole journey I know how much he likes his group and perseveres in his work, so whether or not to have him leave Korea has become a difficult and painful decision for me...but as a father, I have the responsibility to make sure that he grows up happily and healthily and I cannot bear to see his health continue to deteriorate! Between his staying in Korea to be an idol and living healthily and in peace, I will choose the latter without hesitation.

Since becoming a singer is his dream and his choice, he must work hard for his own dream and make the necessary sacrifices for his decisions.

Huang Zi Tao has never disappointed us; in making it this far, he has always been the pride of our family! But what has given me pause is – in these three years since his debut, he has gotten all sorts of injuries large and small. Back pains, body pains, leg pains, to the point that during each performance, whether I am physically there or at home, if he does a flip, I will be worried to no end, nervous that his old injuries will only worsen. This is especially true for overseas performances: sometimes the stage is slippery, sometimes it rains; before every performance I will be sure to tell him again that if the stage is wet, if it's raining, if it seems unsafe, to not do the flip. But every time he says he does not want to disappoint everyone, comforting me by saying he will be careful. But in the end, I can only see through Weibo that he has injured himself again, it really hurts me! I can't take care of him, sometimes I can't contact him nor go to the performance, this burning pain is hard to describe with words, sitting at home clutching onto my phone to wait for any news, other people will never know.

However, with only this final step missing, and myself in Korea, the company revealed the future plans for the other members...I wanted to say so much that I drew a blank.

Zi Tao did not get the company's support, instead only returned with an injured body. Finally, we want to thank and apologize the company and his members: we want to thank the company for these three years of taking care of Zi Tao and his members' support and care! At the same time I also want to apologize to all the fans of Huang Zi Tao and EXO, i know that my decision will hurt you all deeply but please understand this is what a father must do, I'm sorry!"

I buried my face in my hands and sobbed. The tears just wouldn't stop coming out of my eyes. I just thought, there had to have been something I could have done. I didn't help Tao. He was so kind to me in the beginning, and I returned it with nothing.

I'm a horrible person.

Disclaimer: Okay so I copied and pasted from Tao's father's letter, however, I did cut some parts out so it wouldn't be so long. I didn't want to come across as disrespectful or being light about the whole situation, it's really sad that this happened. I really miss Tao being in EXO.

EXO's Manager (EXO Xiumin fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now