Chapter 3 - Pretending

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Although it wasn't a long sleep, I woke up at 10. When I woke up, Jack was nearly on top of me. 'Well, this could work I mea-' MARK! Stop. He's probably just used to sleeping alone, don't sexualize this. But, yet his body is just so close... OKAY Mark. Go away.

I slip slowly out from under the sleeping, innocent man. Walking down to the editing room I started the work on another video, close to my "Walking Down the Street" video, and soon it was done. I walked out of the room to find a still shirtless Jack meandering through the living room. I lean against the frame, just admiring the muscles that seem to roll perfectly across his back. Then I spring into action.

I run across the hall and jump onto the sexy mans back. He stumbles forward and tries to maintain his balance, but fails miserably. Falling face first into the loveseat he sends me flying over the back and into a small, but surprisingly soft, pile of Tiny Box Tims. As I roll off of the pile laughing to the point of tears, Jack springs up and stumbles backward into the coffee table, falling onto the floor. This only causes me to laugh harder at my failed attempt to be cute. I stand up and hop over the back of the couch, landing wrong on my foot, sending me into a half cry, half laugh attack. Sitting up I move over for Jack to join me on the loveseat. Matt and Ryan had already left for the day, so I knew that they wouldn't see what was happening here. Jack sits down and I throw my legs over his head to hang upside down like a small child.

Jack POV

After the incident, Mark is now hanging upside down. Man, this man is like a child. While he is kicking his feet and wiggling around making weird noises, I check my phone. I log onto twitter to see mentions about me and Signe breaking up. 'What?' I think. That's not official. I go to her twitter page and see the latest tweet

" It seems @jacksepticeye and I have seem to have went our own ways "

I tweet out saying " It was all you anyway. We could have worked. @wiishu "

A few minutes later she tweets " @jacksepticeye yeah, if you weren't fucking @markiplier "

I get up from the loveseat and walk briskly to Mark's bedroom. Shutting the door and nearly screaming, I chuck my phone across the room.Sliding down the wall and putting my hands to my face, I finally allow myself to feel emotion for the first time in ages.

Mark POV

I walk up to the door leading to my room and put my ear to the door. It's been about 10 minutes since Jack left the couch without looking back. I hear faint sobs, followed by a thud. I decide to allow him to have some time to himself, knowing what he may feel like, and go check twitter.

" It seems @jacksepticeye and I have seem to have went our own ways "

" It was all you anyway. We could have worked. @wiishu "

" @jacksepticeye yeah, if you weren't fucking @markiplier "

Wow. She's such a bitch.

"@wiishu take your ignorance elsewhere"

"@markiplier 1) I'm not rude, and 2) Stay out of me and Sean's business"

"@wiishu you also can't english, and you're the one who "@"ed me"

"@markiplier just go back to banging Sean"

"@wiishu Gladly. #septiplieraway "

I slowly make my way back to my room. The sobs have slowed to sniffles, and the light has been turned off. I slowly open the door to see a man with tear stained cheeks curled on the bed. Not moving when I entered, I slowly walked over, and climbed in. His back was toward me at this point, but I could hear his shaky breathing. Slowly, I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close, spooning the innocent man. He snuggled in close and let the tension in his muscles relax. He turned his head slightly to look me in the eye.

"Mark, you don't have to do this."

'But I want to' I thought.

"Y-You did?"

"Fuck, that was outloud. Yes, if I'm honest I did."

"B-But why?" He asked almost stunned.

"Jack, we might need to sit up for this."

Jack POV

"Jack, we might need to sit up for this." Mark said, almost worried. Why would he have wanted to hold me like that? I mean, we're close, but I don't think Mark thinks of me as more than a best friend.

He looks me dead in the eyes and starts.

"Jack, the day we met, I knew I was a goner. I had fallen deep into the spiral of love. A passion like no other. I didn't think you could ever love, or like someone like me, but I always hoped. After I saw your video, I released my own. Not to get people saying we were going to happen.. well, maybe because of that. But I just was hoping you would see it and come to me, Come to my arms like I always hoped you would. That I would be able to hug you, kiss you, cuddle with you, and one day, hopefully marry you. I love you Sean. I don't know how you feel towards me, but I will always love you."

I looked at him with questioning eyes. This man, loves me? Me. Of all people in the universe. He seemed bummed by my lack of words and was just about to exit the room when I spoke up.

"Mark, come here" I said softly.


Playfully slapping him, I grinned a bit. " Don't you EVER keep your feelings from me again!" Then I did it.

I kissed him. You know that moment, where once you kiss the love of your life, the world is supposed to click, to make sense? Well, everything aligned. For a moment I felt like I was floating. It was magical. I pulled away, knowing that the first kiss shouldn't be so long. He was so blushed. Almost like a, well, embarrassed, or drunk Mark would be.

"Mark Edward Fischbach, will you do me the extraordinary honor of being my boyfriend?"

"Only if you'll be mine." He responded and kissed me again.

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