Chapter 9 - Dreams

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Jack's POV

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. It had been about a week since Mark and I moved into the house. Things had settled and everything was nearly decorated. We had the recording room setup with two corners for Mark and I's different backgrounds and the middle had a variety of play button awards. Mark and I's room was covered in fan art sent in overtime and had Tiny Box Tims and Septiceye Sams scattered about.

Lexie had decorated the living room with the theme of black and deep red. The walls had been redone in a dark red color, making the room cozy and warm feeling. The room was nicely done and even Mark approved over it though he had a simplistic taste.

We all gathered in the dining room, talking about various things and what the day held. None of us were really doing anything that day, besides a little bit of editing by Mark and I, though it wasn't urgent, so we decided to have a movie day. Lexie had gone out on the town to get sweets and a few new movie while Jess, Mark, and I stayed to clean the kitchen and prepare for laziness.

"Hey Lex," I said, finally breaking the silence as she came in the door. She seemed to be a little more upset than she was before she left but giddy at the same time.

"Sup Jack?" She chirped back. She was definitely faking something. The only way I really knew though was she never said sup, and she seemed kind of jumpy. That wasn't enough to ask about anything for, though.

We settled in for the movie day, closing the blinds and curtains. Lexie put in the first movie Now You See Me. We all settled down on various pieces of furniture in the room and watched the movie. After it was over, about three more followed.

~Time skip just in case of spoiling stuff and I don't know what other movies to put in!~

It was around 5 PM now, and we had run out of movies to watch. We decided to just order a few pizzas and chill for the rest of the evening. The pizzas arrived and I realised Lexie was still acting strangely. Well, stranger than normal. We sat around and ate, but then she called us all into the dining room, or our "meeting room" as we occasionally called it.

"Okay guys, I need to talk to you"

Author POV (a/n I wasn't sure of who to make this so it's just there)

"So, I think some of you may have noticed I've been acting a bit strange today," Lexie said while looking toward Jack. She had definitely known he had noticed. He had been eyeing her all day with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah? What about?" Mark piped in. He was always curious when there were slight pauses. He was getting a little worried and the atmosphere thickened.

Jess looked over everyone's faces, sensing the heavy atmosphere. "Lex, no matter what it is, we're going to support you. Go for it." she said.

Lexie took a deep breath, knowing she couldn't put it off for much longer. Sure, she had a month, but that time flies by when something big is approaching.

Lexie began speaking, making sure she didn't mumble as she had a habit of doing so. " I got a call today. About three days ago I went to audition for a Cruise Liner's dance team for work and such. They want me on the team."

The room was buzzing with energy. Mixed emotions, of course. The three friends had no idea what this meant, no idea how it'd affect their future. They all knew dance was a big part in Lexie's life, but they had never dealt with someone dancing for a cruise.

"And?" Mark said, breaking the silence. It wasn't a rude tone he had, more of a 'what does this mean for us' kind of thing.

"I took it. It's a dream of mine to do this. It has been for years. The only issue is that I'll be in rehearsal daily, and then I won't be here for eight months at a time. I won't be in America for 6 of those months, and I don't want to lose your guyses friendship." Lexie finished her explanation. Sure, this was a changing point in her life. She was 21. She wanted to settle down, find a good job, maybe finish college, but that was all changing. Sure she was young, just barely have lived, but there was something appealing about raising some kids from a young age.

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