14 - Spilling The Beans

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Jack -

I went into Jess's room to see a familiarly disgusting photo on the screen. It was me and Signe. From the other day in the diner.

"Where did you get this?" I asked her. I wanted this photo gone from my life.

"Why did you do it, Jack?" She asked. She seemed calm enough, so I let her in on the full story. We both knew she was the one who took Chica to her appointment, but I let her know I told Mark that I did.

"Well. Okay." She said, turning back toward her screen eyeing the photo silently.

"You're going to have to tell Mark." She whispered.

"I know" I responded, closing the image. I couldn't bare to see it anymore. I shouldn't have gone to that diner. I shouldn't have agreed to meet with her. I regret it all.

I sat down on the bed and sighed, putting my hands on my head and pulling at my hair. I knew it had to be done, but I also knew it was going to hurt Mark. He's been so good to me, and I repay him like this? I mean, it was a mistake. He's going to forgive me, right? It wasn't my fault. If I tell him the whole story then maybe...

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to realize I was crying. Better yet, Mark was in the doorway staring at me. I gulped, not expecting anyone in the room besides Jess, who had seemed to disappear. I looked back down at my hands and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Jess sent me up here. She said you needed to tell me something?" He said, moving to the chair across from me.

I nodded, looking him dead in the eye. I'm just going to spill everything.

"Okay, you're going to be mad, but I really am sorry. I feel awful and I understand if you hate me. But, the other morning when Chica was at her appointment and I was gone all morning, I went to see Signe. We met at that little diner down the road a bit and talked for a while. Before we parted ways she wanted me to kiss her cheek because she missed it and so I agreed, thinking it was harmless, but at the last second she turned her head and kissed me and took a photo but I promise Mark I pushed her away the second I realized. I regret agreeing to it, and I know I shouldn't have gone and seen her, But I thought she and I could be friends and I screwed up. I love you so much, but I get it if you don't forgive me." I told everything in a single breath, hardly holding back tears that now fell from my eyes.

I buried my head in my hands, not wanting to look Mark in the eyes. Just because I had told him and apologized, doesn't mean every thing would be okay. I had cheated on him.

I heard the door close and looked up to find the room empty. I was left alone to think of the terrible thing I did, when I only wanted to be with him. To hear him say it was okay and kiss me and know he wasn't angry, but I knew that wasn't what was going to happen when I heard the door slam down the hall.

I let the tears threatening to roll in my eyes fall freely now. I wasn't sure of how I would fix this - or even if this was something I could fix. Mark has been cheated on before, and hell I could've just brought back terrible memories and feelings by ruining his trust. Maybe I was overreacting, I mean I didn't kiss back, and I was manipulated into it anyway, but I had still lied about where I was. Lying is one of the worst things you can do to someone who really loves you.

I went over to Jessica's computer, erasing the photo from her computer for good. I wanted to get the picture and it's memories out of my life forever.

When I was sure the picture was erased, and I restarted her computer to allow the needed updates to be admitted into the computer, I went down to the kitchen and grabbed my keys. I grabbed a bottle of water and my keys to the house, deciding I needed to go out for some air.

I shut the door quietly, attempting to get out without being noticed. It was mid December, and knowing the cruise was just a month away sent me into a panic. Maybe I'd give up my ticket to avoid having to see Mark so much. Especially since I may have just killed our relationship entirely.

I reached a small park about a half mile down the road. It was strangely empty, so I took advantage of where it was located. I climbed a large tree, staying out of sight of any park goers. I climbed to where I was a good 15 feet above the ground and chose a large limb to rest on.

I sat there, staring at nothing. When I went to check my phone for the time, I realized I had left my phone at the house, and by the sun's position in the sky.. I had no idea of what time it was. I'm not a big nature expert and can tell what time of day it is by a single glance.

I looked back at the leaves of the tree, forgetting about everything for a while. Counting each vein on the leaves, each leaf on the branch, each branch on the limb, each limb on the tree. Each pathetic cheater on the tree. Each regret in the cheater's head. Each memory the cheater didn't deserve to have. Soon, it was dark.

I slowly climbed - or stumbled - down the tree, falling down the last five or so feet. I stood up, wiping myself of tree goo, grass, dirt, and whatever else was lacing my clothes. Heading down the road I was soon met by lights and a car horn, but knowing the danger of trusting strangers, especially at night, I kept walking, keeping my eyes to where I was going. The car slowed beside me, and a window was rolled down, revealing who was occupying the car.

"Mark?" I whispered. I never in a million years thought he would come for me. Hell, I thought I would be pushed from his life by now, him trying to erase the painful memories from the organ floating in his skull.

"Get in." He said and rolled up the window.

This would be interesting. 


OKAY! So, first chapter with this new format thing. Let me know how you like it?

Anyway, I'm actually in class. I've gotta go.

Now back to your beautiful lives<3


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