Chapter 5 - Good Things

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Mark POV

"Wake up"

"We need you"

"I miss you Mark"

"Come back, please."

The room was black. But there were two lights. One had my father standing in front of the illuminating area, while the other had.. well nothing. It was just an oddly white light. Behind me was nothingness, and to my sides were walls. Forward was the only choice I had. I tried to take a step, and soon realised I couldn't move. I was stuck, for what I thought would be for eternity, but then there was this... voice. "Mark, I know you'll make the right decision, but know, we will always be there for you."

'Bob?' I thought. Where is his voice coming from?

"Buddy, I know you'll make it, but even if you don't, you've made millions of people happy for years. I know you've always wanted to make a mark in this world, and trust me, you have."

'W-wade?' What the hell? Where even am I?

I look up, as I had been staring at my feet, to meet the gaze of my dad.


"Now, son. where did you learn that language from?"

"Uh, I was thinking the curse words, not speaking them. How did you know?"

" Well Mark, you're in the underzone, a place between life and death. You can read minds here"

"Oh, well, yep. sorry."

"Mark, I've missed you. Just come here, your time on Earth must be done since I have finally met you here."

"No, I can't. I'm going to get out of here." I try to run as the thought rushes through that I can't move. If only I knew how I got here.

I turned my head back to see my father, as if he was just about to die in front of me. Memories flash into my mind, from when he held my hand and told me he loved me, to when we were playing ball in the yard. And everything in between. The final thing that crosses my mind is how he took his last breath with his gaze locked to mine, just as it is now.

"Mark, please, I miss you. Come child. Theres no pain here."

"But, dad, I cant"

"You can, all you have to do is say you will. Join me, we can be together again. Back to how it was before the sickness that drug me down. Before my death."

"I I want to. Dad I love you so much, but now isn't my time. I finally have the man of my dreams, and I cant die now. I have to stay on Earth. I'm sorry."

I close my eyes to try and block out the sounds of my dads pleads for me to stay.

"I love you father. But I wont."

Beep Beep Beep Beep

I slowly open my eyes to an all white room. The constant beep is all I can hear, and even it is very faint. In seconds I am surrounded by at least 4 people. Maybe more, my vision is still fuzzy. They rush around the room, doing various tasks, and all I know is that I've made it out. I'm alive.

Jack POV

We rushed to the hospital as quick as we could. Once we got there I dashed up to the check in, signing us all in and headed straight for the room. There were only allowed to be two visitors at once, but the nurses made an exception, since Mark was in a bigger room than most. When we got into his room, the breathing tube was removed and he seemed to be all fine. He was awake, slightly, as he was tired from all the healing stuff. But he was awake enough to know who we were. Mark was alive, and that's all I needed to know.

~Time Skip cause ew hospitals~

We got back to the house and Mark was on strict orders to not work his brain too much for atleast a week. That meant no recording, editing, or dealing with comments. He did put a vlog up saying he wasn't dead, and would resume as normal in a week or so, after he healed. I kept him in bed as much as possible, making sure to cuddle with him as much as I could. Jessica and Lexie stopped in occasionally dropping off various things we needed, as Ryan and Matt were on vacation and I refused to leave Mark by himself for too long. The girls had become really close friends of ours, although they had only three days till their flight back home.

Jessica POV

I walked into the hotel room and fell onto the bed. Being in LA had been amazing, and I didn't want it to end. Lexie walked through holding bags, of whatever and sat down. "Hey, Jess, I have a question." She said.

"Well then, ask away." I responded nonchalantly.

"What.. if we stayed. Like stayed here. in LA"

"Well, we can't live in a hotel room, but yeah, I've been thinking that too."

"Well, we have that covered, well I do. Look at this." She hands me a set of papers with photos. The photos are of a home we saw in passing one day.

"Jess, all you have to do is sign and its ours."

"Are you serious? When did you do this?"

"Today. I have a check written out for the rest, theres only about 7,000 left on it, so it isnt much. Then we can just live in LA."

I sign the papers, and hand them over. I'm now a homeowner in LA. Crazy, what life can do to a person.

Now, just to tell Jack and Mark.


Sorry for this authors note, and that this part is sorta short :/

So I know I said Id post weekly, but it seems that if our internet providers continue to be dicks, it may change to a random schedule, but I'm trying. Im sorry.

Stay amazing<3

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