15 - Forgiveness

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Mark -

I rolled off my bed after a very needed nap. Although I never take naps, my head was too full of things to handle then and I felt defeated. I refloofed my hair, and straightened out my clothing. I looked out my window, noticing it was nearly dark and realised that I was going to have trouble sleeping tonight. I looked across the room, spotting Jack's phone resting on the table.



I walked out of the room, wandering around the house to try and find him. Of course he and I needed to talk, but we couldn't do that if he was missing. I went to the kitchen, the living room, the recording studio, all around the yard, and even the dance studio that was rarely used by any of us. It mainly sat as a place to listen to loud music without headphones when we were home alone.

At the moment I went to the entree room Jess walked in the door, carrying multiple bags at once. I attempted to help her, but she simply responded with a "two trips and giving up are for wimps. It's another 20 feet or so, I got it." before rushing off to restock the cabinets.

I strode back into the kitchen and helped put away the last of the bags in the room. We worked in a comfortable silence, the only noise coming from the occasional scoot of a chair across the floor to reach the insanely high cabinets of our insanely tall house. After we finished we did a quick clean of all the counters and table space, and went to watch a movie. Well, she did. I decided to take my hunt for Jack to the road, being it had been hours and I still had no tell of where he was. I mean, yeah I'm slightly angry, but he's still my doof, so I worry about him.

I grabbed my keys, quickly yelling to Jess that I was going out to find Jack, to her worrying of where he was. She offered to come with, but I declined her offer, knowing that whenever I found him we would need to have a chat that shouldn't be interrupted or held back by a third party, though I really did enjoy Jess's company.

I started by going into town down an alley I had seen Jack walk down a few times. I couldn't spot him walking down any streets or inside any buildings, so I kept on my search to a different part of the town. I knew he hadn't gone clear into the city, as we lived on the outskirts of LA, since it was a good one and a half hour walk on a good day.

I began to drive closer around the house, figuring Jack was smart enough to be heading home. Hopefully. When I came across a figure walking slowly down the street, with their head down and dragging their feet. I slowed the car down, and the man turned his head, to only quickly put it back down. I blew the horn, causing him to jump and only lower his head further, eventually deciding to roll down the window, just as he turned his head again, probably to curse me out.

"Mark?" He asked, voice shaking. He stopped dead in his tracks, almost shocked to see me. His muscles tensed, as if he was scared but soon relaxed, realizing it was indeed me.

"Get in." I said, rolling up the window. It was mid-December, and although we were in California, it got chilly. Especially at night.

He climbed in the car and got settled. He opened his mouth to speak, but before a single noise could exit the orifice opened by the muscles in his face, I decided I was going to let out how I felt. Hopefully that would change some of the things he wanted to say.

"Okay, Jack, shut up and close your face. You aren't allowed to speak until I'm done. Got it?" I said quickly.

He nodded.

"Yes, I'm upset about the entire situation. I'm not angry, I'm just kind of hurt. You could have told me that you went to see Signe, and the fact that you tried to hide what happened makes this even worse. Even if you would have told me you were going to see her, I mean, you shouldn't keep things like that from me. I understand that you need your privacy, but Jack, we're talking about your ex girlfriend who came to America only to win you back. You should have known she would do something like this. I mean, you've watched television! You know this shit happens in movies and everything all the time. Although, you know, I never realized our life was part of a movie." I chuckled, now realizing how crazy I sounded. Jack and I's life, scripted? A movie? The closest thing to a movie our lives would be would be a short film on Youtube. "Anyway, I guess I might forgive you, under one condition. You never, and Sean William McLoughlin, I mean never see her again. I've been cheated on before, and don't you think for a second I'll let you be the second person to bring me that pain. If I ever become too boring or repulsive for you to where you feel the need to cheat, just break my heart. It'd be easier on the both of us." I pulled in the driveway, deciding my point was clear enough that I didn't need to say any more. I turned off the car and unlocked the doors, taking the key from the ignition and getting out. Jack slowly got out and followed me as we walked up to the front door. I realized that the lights were all out, indicating that the front door would be locked. I swiftly unlocked the door and pushed it open, allowing Jack to go in first. I relocked the door and turned to the man who had yet to say anything.

"I'm done." I said, and went up to my room. Well, our room. I honestly don't care whether he come to bed or sleeps on the couch. It was really all up to him.

A few moments later I heard him creep into the room, though I'm sure he knew I was still awake. He climbed in the bed and wrapped his thin arms around me, whilst I cuddled into him more.

The least thing I remember before drifting off into a deep sleep was his shaking voice whisper in the dark.

"I love you. And I won't ever break your heart."


Okay, quick author's note. First thank you for 500 reads! I was astonished whenever I got 100 reads, nevertheless 500. Like oh my wow. 

Anywho, anything y'all wanna see in this? I could do a character Q&A if you wanna. 

Now back to your beautiful lives!


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