11 - Surprise!

71 4 0

-- 3 months later --

Mark POV

We drove up the road all at once, with Jack's hand in mine and the two girls in the back seat. I checked my rear-view mirror to see tears in Lexie's eyes and Jessica's head on her shoulder, staring into nothingness. Lexie had sometime put her arm around Jess during this trip in silence. I looked back at the road for a minute, and then glanced over at Jack. He was looking out the window, into nothingness while loosely holding my hand. His eyes were a duller shade of blue than normal. He wasn't crying, however, he just seemed upset.

About 10 minutes later we arrived at the airport. We all reluctantly got out of the car and went to check-in. Lexie wheeled her bags behind her and carried her carry on to the security check. Once she had her bags checked and everything, we all hung out outside the gate area where she would be leaving to go to England too soon.

"We're going to miss you, Lexie" Jack said, looking down. I couldn't deny that these guys had become good friends with us over the course of time we knew them.

"Try not to miss me too much" She said, giggling. She always tried to lighten up the mood, but at this time, it was nearly impossible.

"Children and elderly are now to board flight 069 to London, England. I repeat, children and elderly boarding to London England." the intercom boomed. Lexie began to look frightened and dug through her carry on bag.

"Lex, you've checked a million times, you have everything." Jess said quietly. She knew her friend had anxiety and was more than likely looking for a sense of control over this situation.

"No, no it isn't that. It's this." Lexie said, handing us all an envelope with our names sprawled neatly over the front. " Don't open them until you're home, but I hope it can happen. I think I gave enough time for-"

"Calling all passengers to flight 069 to London, England. This will be that last call. Departure is in 15 minutes." the intercom came on, signaling that our time was over.

"Fuck, well this is goodbye for now." Lexie said, hugging everyone. Once she went to hug Jess, Jack collapsed into my arms, not being able to hold onto his emotions anymore. Lexie began to walk away, having already took her bags to be put onto the plane and called out "Don't open them until you're home! Also, open them together!". And we left.

-- Back at home --

The car ride home was silent, besides the low volume music we had in the background. We all sat at the table in the dining room, and just stared at the three white envelopes sitting in front of each of us.

"I can't believe she left." Jess said, quietly.

"I know, Jess. But 6 months will go by quicker than you'll expect." I said back to her. "She's going to do what she loves."

"Yeah, yeah." She sighed. "Should we open these or wait until tomorrow?" She asked.

"Now." Jack said, finally looking up from the table.

We all took a deep breath and opened the sealed envelope, not taking out the contents just yet.

"one." Jack counted.

"two." Jess said soon after.

"three." I finished our countdown, finally peering into the envelope. We all pulled out the stuff and inside there was a folded white sheet of paper, folded with a smaller envelope and a lined piece of paper, containing a letter. We all looked around the table, wondering what to next. I picked up the envelope to be confronted with "STOP READ LETTER FIRST" written in red on the front. I picked up my letter and everyone else did too. We sat and read them in silence.


Keep everything in line while I'm away. I don't think I'll be home for Christmas this time due to looking at my schedule draft thing, so I bought and wrapped everybody's gifts. They're in my room under the bed, so on Christmas Eve I'd be grateful if you could bring those out and give them out. If you forget, don't worry about it, I'll just give them out when I come home. Since, well, it's only October. Or early November when I actually give this to you. Anyway, this is goodbye for now. See you soon, Markimoo.


Jack POV


Take care of Mark. I know he really loves you and I did hear that fight. I'm not taking sides, but if you or him are still angry, try and work it out. If you two aren't back to being the cute couple you were when I get back, Ima be angry. You aren't the only one with an Irish temper in this household, only I've also got redneck coursing through my veins! Anywho, don't kill them. I'll see you soon, Jackaboy!


Jessica POV


I'm going to miss you the most. But while I'm gone, think about if we should tell them.. about us? If you don't wanna, whatever. But I feel they should eventually know. Hell, tell them when I'm gone for all I care, but if you do tell them, be prepared to be licked on the face when I see you next. I'm not going to make this very sappy, but I love you very much Bear. I'll see you soon. Xx


Mark POV

I looked up from my letter to see the other two still staring down at their letters. Once they finished, we all three opened the envelopes to see a single piece of something that reminded me of cardstock. I pulled it out and read aloud " Admission 1 to Royal Cruises Departing from Long Beach, California on January 16th, 2023.". I pulled a small slip of paper off the back that had been in the envelope with it 

" I could give three tickets away, and of course I chose the most important people in my life. Come if you wanna."

We all cheered, knowing we'd see her soon, with Jess being the happiest. The rest of the evening we spent watching movies with Jack and I cuddling on the couch and Jess cuddling with Chica.

We all got up after the second movie and made stir-fry. As the last addition of vegetables was being added into the wok, we all made jokes and laughed. We sat along the table and ate, talking about nothing. After dinner we invited Matt and Ryan over, as we hadn't spoken to them in ages and just mainly chilled out. We didn't need any more stress that what had been brought onto our shoulders with our jobs and such, so we took the rest of the day off.

--Time skip to next morning--

Jack POV

"Top of the mornin to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to this wonderful new game I found on steam!" I yelled into the microphone. I hadn't realized I was running out of prerecorded videos to upload and had to find one quick.

I played about twenty five minutes of the game, knowing some parts would be cut out, did my outro, and went to edit it. After I was done editing I uploaded the video and went into the living room where Mark was sitting on his phone. I turned on the television and watched a few episodes of "Cake Boss" before playing a few rounds of Mario Kart.

Mark went up to bed an hour or so later and left me in my thoughts. It was about half 10, or 10:30 as I've been trying to start saying when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Who could be here at this hour?" I wondered to myself.

I walked over to the door and opened it, half groggily.

"Uh, hey.. Jack." The figure said warily.


_____________________Author's Note!_________________-

So I know this is late and such, but im just getting back into the swing of things! I have to perform this weekend, so I doubt the next one will be on time either... so as of now i'll just post updates whenever I can. 

See you all later!


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