13 - Picture

63 4 1

Mark POV

I waited around for Jack to get home, infuriated. I didn't know how he could do something like this to me. I didn't even want to know. I wanted to hurt him. But I didn't. Maybe I was overreacting. It'll be okay.

He walked in the door, panting. I glared at him, needing to know answers.

"Where is she?" I spat. His eyes widened in fear. I knew what he had done, and he was going to pay.


"Where is she?" I repeated.

"Who?" He said, trying to remain calm.

"My dog. I woke up and she was gone. I swear to god if when you left she-"

"Mark! Settle down. Chica is fine!" He said.

"Where is she?" I said again

He pointed toward the calendar hanging from the wall. Written under today's date, December 1st, ' Chica to pro groomer at 8am'.

"Oh, right. Sorry." I said. I had forgotten and blamed Jack.

"I need coffee." I said and sauntered off to the kitchen.

Jack POV

I ran up to my room, being stopped by Jessica on the way.

"Hey Jackaboy! Where you off to in such a hurry?" She said in a cheery voice.

"Uh, I'm just heading to my room and then to record." I said, trying to get around her.

"Well, you don't record in your room. So, I sense a lie." She said.

"No, I need to get my camera off charge. Can I just go? I need to prepare for the trip." I said, inching past her.

"Yeah. So do I."

I made my way to my room and took a deep breath. Sure, it's wrong that I didn't tell Mark, but I'm worried about how he'd take it. It meant nothing, and any chance of her coming back into my life was at a minimum, but it's still technically cheating. I wish it never happened.

I went to my recording room and got to work, recording 4 videos of a game before walking to the kitchen to find Mark looking down at his phone.

"Hey, babe." I spoke up, walking to the cabinet to get a glass.

"Oh. Hi Jack." He said in a low tone.

"Whatcha into?" I asked him, taking a drink of my water.

"Oh, well, I'm just trying to decide if this photo I got sent is photoshop or real. Maybe you could help me?" He said, eyes narrowed at the screen.

"Um, sure. Just let me see it." I said, a lump forming in my throat.

He turned his phone towards me to reveal the picture. Immediately I checked the name. It was sent by Wade.

The photo was of him and Chica being face swapped, and let me tell you, it was terrifying.

"That's 100% real, Mark. You should've known that one." I said, chuckling.

I knew telling him now would be the best thing for me, but I just couldn't pull myself to do it.

Jess ran into the room, worry in her eyes.

"Jack. You need to come here. Now." She said and turned back towards her room.




I know this is loooong overdue, but I have no idea where it's going. I have no clue what to write anymore. Leave suggestions as to what you want to happen in the comments maybe? I'm a terrible author. I know this chapter sucks ass, but it's what I got. Sorry. 


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