Chapter 2

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Dan almost thinks Chris forgets their little bet over the weekend. Hopes he has already forgotten it when he left the morning after. Because let’s face it, the bet is a joke itself.
Yes, Dan is very convincing when it comes to girls and getting with them, and yes, he is certain he could even make a guy fall for him if he takes a chance. But choosing Phil Lester was just utterly mean and unfair of Chris. Yeah, Dan said anyone would be fine, but still.

Phil Lester.

Dan wants to groan just thinking of him. It's a little bit surprising that Chris actually knows who he is, as he’s known as quite a nerd and their group of friends doesn’t usually associate with someone who’s not ‘cool’ or ‘popular’. (Which sounds really harsh, but it’s just how thinks in their school work.) However, as the boy won some kind of special science price or whatever a year ago, pretty much everyone in school knows his name. That including Chris – and Dan.

Really, Dan should have known that Chris would choose someone so ridiculous, he could only lose the bet, but of course that doesn’t mean Dan isn’t at least going to give it a try.
Phil doesn’t have to actually fall for him after all. Everything Dan needs are a few pictures of them, maybe some sweet words from Phil he could record and then show Chris. Just some kind of prove that yes, he has managed to make Phil Lester fall for him, despite Chris’ doubts.

However, before Dan can even think about getting prove, he needs to make Phil fall for him, or at least like him a tiny bit and that sure as hell is going to be a lot of work. Because Dan can’t just walk up to Phil and start flirting with him.
First of all, because it is just completely inappropriate to do so in school and let’s face it, Dan has never seen Phil at a party before.
And secondly, Dan can’t risk anyone finding out that he’s bi. Of course it probably won’t change anything if someone finds out, but he still doesn’t want that. He still is kind of undecided about the whole thing, because even though he finds both genders equally attractive, he has never felt anything for a boy before.

So yeah, their bet maybe is a little bit difficult compared to the ones Dan and Chris usually make and it certainly is worth a lot more than 20 pounds, but whatever. Dan isn’t going to give in and be forced to see that smug grin on Chris’ face for the next forever.

Dan needs a plan though – and a good one. Not only does he have to be careful in case anyone notices something, Dan also needs to be subtle towards Phil. Because Phil is by no means stupid (hell, from what Dan knows Phil could probably go to college already) and he will certainly notice if something is off. And let’s be honest here, Dan talking to Phil is very off.

Maybe though, maybe it’s not too weird. Not when the reason for it is that Dan needs tutoring lessons from Phil…

And now Dan’s grinning because yes, that’s definitely a plan forming in his head and a brilliant one too. If he went to Phil’s for tutoring no one would get too suspicious and no one would be able to see them, see Dan trying to hit on Phil. Yes, that is practically a master-plan and Dan can’t fully hold his smirk back, which earns him a dirty look from the guy sitting next to him in his Biology class.


Despite Dan’s hopes and wishes, Chris of course hasn’t forgotten about their bet. So at lunch break he runs around with that stupid grin on his face and Dan really wants to punch him.

“So, how’s Phil?” Chris smirks, while next to him PJ just grins faintly. Apparently he has been filled in already. Oh well.

Dan sends him a glare. “He is fine.”

“Oh, is he now? I didn’t notice you talking to him.”

“Because I haven’t yet, fucker. I’ll talk to him at the end of lunch.” Dan hasn’t really planned that but alright, everything to get that fucking smirk off Chris’ face. And apparently it is working, because Chris frowns for a second. Moments later his lips are twitching again though.

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