Chapter 12

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Dan really isn’t sure how he has managed to keep out of everyone’s way so far because usually either PJ or Chris wait up for him on Monday, after first period to fill him in on whatever he might have missed out on the weekend. 

Today, however Dan hasn’t talked to anyone yet (excluding that little ‘chat’ he had with Brad earlier) and he really doesn’t mind it at all because he’s tired and moody and definitely no good company for anyone and while he usually at least tries to keep his composure when he’s talking to girls, Dan can’t even bothered to do that today.

And reason for that is no one else than Phil.

Though he isn’t really because, honestly, the boy has done nothing wrong and if it’s anyone’s fault it’s Dan’s because he was stupid enough to start flirting with Phil in the first place. And if he’d never agreed to Chris’ bet, none of this shit would be happening right now.

But Phil is still sort of cause of Dan’s bad mood because Dan can’t stop thinking about him, or rather about how he is going to dump him and maybe school isn’t exactly a good place to think about stuff like that but Dan just can’t help it. It doesn’t matter what subject he’s having or what they’re talking about, because somehow Phil always finds his way back into his mind and it’s just fucking frustrating. Because Dan can already imagine how Phil is going to react, how sad he’s going to be when he tells him that they’re done and Dan absolutely doesn’t have feelings for him, but he still can’t take someone crying over him. (Especially not Phil.)

Dan decides he’s going to spend lunch break alone as well, at the back of the gym building where no one ever goes because it’s risky and not worth a detention. And while he knows that he can’t run away from Chris and PJ forever, Dan still wants to try doing just that – for as long as possible, at least.

As soon as he leaves his Biology class and tries to push through the mass of students around him, however, Dan is grabbed by the hood of his jumper and harshly pulled back.

“What the fuck is going on with you?”

Dan sighs when he recognizes Chris’ voice. No getting away now.

“What are you talking about?” He asks turning around and giving Chris the most innocent look he can muster.

Chris just rolls his eyes. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” He replies. “Why didn’t you pick up your phone all weekend and why are you ignoring me and Peej? Or rather, why are you ignoring everyone? People are already talking about you, you know.”

“I don’t give a shit what anyone’s saying.” Dan mumbles, casually leaning against the wall. By now the hallway is pretty much empty and the two of them can talk without getting disturbed. Not that Dan wants to talk. He kind of wants Chris to just fuck off.

“Dan.” Chris sighs, locking eyes with him. “What’s wrong?” He asks concerned, resting his hand on Dan’s shoulder and encouraging him to talk.

Dan can’t help groaning because he really appreciates Chris’ concern and usually he would tell him what is bothering him but it’s just kind of really hard to put whatever he’s feeling towards Phil into words without sounding like a complete idiot and Dan doesn’t even have feelings for Phil. He just feels bad because he’s going to break Phil’s heart. That’s all, right?

And still he can’t even tell Chris that because that’s not how things work.

Dan Howell does not care about anyone’s feelings. Dan Howell fucks girl after girl (or guy after guy) and then moves on and forgets about his fucks after a week or so. Dan Howell does not mind breaking people’s hearts
And Dan Howell especially doesn’t fucking care about stupid cute nerds with stupid pretty blue eyes and stupid soft black hair and stupid flawless skin and stupid-

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