Chapter 9

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(there was supposed to be smut at the end but i didn't want it to be too long so that's going to happen in the next part. sorry!)


Two weeks pass and neither Dan nor Phil brings up Dan’s offer of ’kissing lessons’. It’s not very surprising that Phil doesn’t mention them, because no matter how relaxed he is around Dan, he still flushes red at every mention of anything slightly sexual. (Which is fucking adorable.)

And Dan- Well, it isn’t as much that he doesn’t want to kiss Phil again, because he kind of really does, but he’s a little bit confused – worried, even. The whole point of talking to Phil has been to make him fall for him and prove Chris wrong, but Dan isn’t so sure anymore if there isn’t a slight possibility that it might have happened the other way around as well.

After all, you can only spend so much time with someone, trying to make them fall for you before you start developing feelings for them as well.
In other words: Dan is kind of really fucked.

He’s decided to continue working on his bet though. It can’t be too long until he gets a good opportunity to let Chris see the two of them or maybe record something Phil says. Once he’s won the bet he can just drop him and continue his life like before and forget about these confusing things Phil makes him feel. It’s a pretty simple plan.

However, thinking about it makes Dan’s stomach drop and churn because, fuck, the plan might me simple but it’s also fucking cruel. He’s pretty much destroying Phil’s thoughts and beliefs in love and Dan kind of hates himself for it.


The library is almost empty when Dan enters it, bar the librarian, a few younger students and – just who Dan has been looking for – Phil. 
Over the last couple of days, a plan has started to form in Dan’s head and after hearing about his friend, John’s party, Dan has decided it’s time to put his plan into action.

“Hey.” He grins as he sits down next to Phil. “How are you?”

Phil glances up, somewhat startled by the sudden company, but then smiles shyly when he sees it’s Dan. “Hey Dan.” He greets. “I’m fine. What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to ask you something…” Dan says, deciding it’s not necessary to make small talk. It’s probably better if he takes Phil by surprise anyway.

“Well? Go on then.” Phil urges.

“What are you doing tomorrow?”

Phil frowns. “Hm, we have our tutoring but other than that I don’t really have anything planned. Why do you ask?”

Dan smirks, because that’s exactly what he wanted to hear. “Do you remember that promise you made some time ago?”

A look of confusion crosses Phil’s face and he slowly shakes his head.

“Of course not.” Dan chuckles. “Well, I asked you to go that party with me and you couldn’t come because of your grandparents, right?”

Phil nods, still looking rather confused. “Yeah. What about it?”

“You said you’d come another time and there’s a party tomorrow at John’s house.” Dan explains.


Dan rolls his eyes at how oblivious the boy is. “So, you’re coming with me.”

“Oh.” Phil says, eyes wide and mouth hanging open as he seems to realise that there’s no getting out of it this time.

“Don’t look so shocked.” Dan laughs, placing his finger under Phil’s chin to close his mouth. “Since we have our tutoring tomorrow, I thought you could just stay over and get ready at mine and then just crash there as well. Because of what you said about your parents and stuff.”

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