Chapter 5

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not my best work idk but better than nothing, right?
also, if someone's interested about updates and stuff, i intend to update this story every tuesday. (maybe earlier if i can be bothered, but knowing me this won't happen)


Dan’s not sure why he’s doing what he does, why he’s entering the library and heading over to Phil.
Maybe it’s because Chris and PJ have apparently abandoned him and Dan therefore has nothing better to do. Maybe it’s because Phil looks quite lonely, sitting there all by himself, and Dan just wants to keep him company for whatever reason.
Maybe, however, it’s because Dan actually wants to talk to Phil; has already been looking forward to seeing him again, even.

He laughs quietly to himself, a short, disbelieving laugh. Yeah right, because talking to Phil is such a pleasure. No, Dan’s definitely going in there because he’s bored and needs entertainment. And what’s more entertaining than a nervous, red-faced Phil, who’s stumbling over his own words?
Plus, Dan can work on his and Chris’ bet a little more and flirt with Phil.

When he comes to a halt in front of the table Phil’s sitting at, he clears his throat to catch the boy’s attention, as he’s obviously all caught up in whatever book he’s reading. As soon as Phil looks up though – just  like the first time he saw Dan standing there in front of him – confusion and shock is written all over his face. He pulls himself together a lot faster though.

“I- uhm. Hey.” He mumbles, fiddling with his fingers as he watches Dan cautiously.

Dan takes Phil’s greeting as an invitation to join him and fetches a chair to sit down next to him; their thighs brushing together.
“Hey there.” Dan says, finally. “Everything alright?” He leans over a bit to Phil, partly to read the cover of the book in front of him (It's called The Fault In Our Stars, and Dan thinks, it looks rather interesting), but mostly because he wants to see the other’s reaction.

“Y-yeah. I’m- I’m fine.” The words stumble out of Phil’s mouth and his cheeks turn bright pink as he notices Dan’s close approximation (and that’s probably pretty cute if you’re into the shy type of guy, which Dan clearly isn’t, and he certainly is not into Phil either – Phil is not cute).

They’re both quiet for a few moments and when Phil eventuall speaks up, he sounds a lot like some nervous wreck.
“I- I, uhm, I don’t want t-to, like, sound rude, b-but why are you here?” he asks quietly, his words almost inaudible by the end of the sentence.

“Don’t worry about being rude.“ Dan can’t hold a small chuckle back as he listens to Phil stumbling over his words. It was almost like talking to a scared 5-year-old.
“Hm.” He starts to answer Phil’s question, not sure how much of the truth he should tell him.
“I was wandering through the halls, thinking and stuff and when I passed the library, I thought ‘Why not going in and talking to Phil?’” Dan smiles softly as Phil tries to hide his flushing face behind his black fringe. “Oh, and I wanted to make sure, you’re still up for our tutoring session tomorrow.” He adds.

“Y-yeah, sure. Same time, same place?” Phil coughs, looking anywhere but Dan’s eyes, which sort of confuses Dan. His eyes aren’t exactly intimidating now, are they?

“Course. I’ll make sure to buy snacks though, if we get hungry again.” Dan winks at Phil, and by the look on the other’s face, he seems to remember clearly what happened in Dan’s kitchen.

Phil just stares ahead for a few moments and Dan’s tempted to give suggestive comment, like he would do if it were PJ or Chris he’s talking to. Quickly enough though, he catches himself and lightly bites his tongue to keep the words in his mouth. Phil certainly wouldn’t appreciate it, if Dan were to make sexual innuendos and what not about him – especially since they’re in school.
Instead, Dan coughs quietly to get Phil out of his trance (or whatever it is, that seems to be captured in) and points to the book, the boys’ hands are still placed on.

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