Chapter 1

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Chris doesn’t know why he and Dan are friends.

Dan is nothing but an arrogant douchebag. Acts like everyone’s kissing his feet. (Which they kind of are but Chris doesn’t think about that) Believes that everyone loves him and adores him. (Which is also true, but at least doesn’t apply to Chris)
Dan’s a complete dick and a shitty friend, actually. Ditching Chris whenever there’s even a slight chance of getting laid.

Dan is an awful excuse for a friend, and Chris really has no idea why he bothers to keep up with the boy when he could hang out with PJ instead, who is at least down-to-earth and doesn’t have his nose stuck up his arse.
Chris could just leave Dan and end their friendship, but of course he isn’t going to do that. Because as much as he dislikes Dan from time to time, he’s still Chris’s best friend. Has always been since they were seven and met in primary school and they still are now, both being sixteen years old.

They have a lot of arguments – now more than when they were kids – and Chris sometimes really wants to punch Dan’s distinctive grin from his face, but when ignoring that, their friendship really was something special; something not a lot of people have.

They tell each other pretty much everything, which often leads to Dan bragging about all the girls he’s gotten with, but that’s okay with Chris, kind of. It's just the way Dan lives his life and by now Chris’s used to all the one-night-stands his best friend has.

However, despite being a little bit of a man-whore (though Chris would never call Dan that), Dan was still respected by pretty much everyone in their school. And maybe that was another reason why Chris isn’t going to end their friendship. Although it was a really shitty reason, Chris has to admit.
Being friends with Dan also means security. No one – not even the well-known school bully – dares to touch anyone who is friends with Dan Howell.

It hasn’t always been like that though. Most of Dan and Chris’s first year in high school, they have spent hiding in the bathroom at break, scared someone will beat them up if the only do as much as stand in the hallway.

Gradually though, the fear has started to leave Dan and being a lot more confident he started to stand up for himself (occasionally for Chris too, which the boy was very grateful for) and somehow he managed to get some kind of reputation, which he has grown to be very fond now.
From then on the girls were practically swooning over Dan, following him everywhere, admiring him, hanging on every word that leaves his lips. It was sort of annoying in Chris’s opinion, but he wasn’t too bothered about it, not until Dan started to use them for his own pleasure that is.

Dan was barley fifteen when he started to fool around with some of the girls – the easy, cheap ones at first. After rumours had spread Dan was well known as, well not as an easy target, because he isn’t really. He won’t sleep with anyone. Only with who’s hot in his opinion and Chris isn’t too sure if that doesn’t make him an even bigger douche. However, Dan wasn’t only known to hook up quite a lot, he was also known to be quite good in bed. So of course more and more girls started to give it a try and approach him at parties.

Which brings Chris to where they are know: In the living room of a guy Chris has never met before, he himself sitting on the sofa with a bottle of beer in his hand, while Dan’s dancing with some bleach-blonde girl, whose boobs look a lot like they’re about to jump out of her t-shirt if she moves too much.

Chris’s gaze is roaming through the room, lazily eyeing the sweaty, dancing people. He has no idea how Dan has managed to persuade him to go to this party. Not only doesn’t he know anyone here, no, he also kind of really hates parties. Especially the ones where Dan just walks off with some slut and fucks her in some dark room, while Chris has to wait alone because PJ is too busy to keep him company and Chris can’t just drive home as his car hasn’t worked for at least two months and he needs a lift home.

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