Chapter 11

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Dan wakes up early the next day, blinded by a stream of light flooding through his window and he kind of wants to punch himself because he forgot to close the fucking curtains before going to bed.
Instead, however, he decides to stretch and- oh, there’s someone lying next to him.

Now Dan usually isn’t one to bring his one-night stands back to his house, because having to wait until they wake up and then having to somehow get them out of his house is just plain awkward and annoying. So he’s rather confused to find another body lying next to him. 
Even more worrying, however, is the fact that the other person is pretty much snuggled up to Dan and okay, that’s not something that has happened before.

Dan can feel a headache forming and he groans quietly as he eventually opens his eyes, blinking a few times until he finally has adjusted to the bright light of the sun. His gaze lands on the person in his arms but the only thing he can make out is a mop of short black hair. Evidently, he has fucked a boy for once.

His brain feels still kind of fuzzy and his mind is clouded, so Dan doesn’t immediately recognize who exactly the boy is but then he moves his head a bit and oh God- the memories come flooding back and Dan is left back dizzy for a moment.


He fucked Phil.

He took the boy’s fucking virginity for no other reason than a bet.

And Phil- he trusts him. He trusts Dan enough to let him be his first time and he is in love with him. Phil is in love with Dan and probably thinks Dan is in love with him as well because of all the things he has said and done. But he isn’t. Dan isn’t in love- can’t be. He is just fooling around with Phil, winning his bet.

The bet. Dan really wasn’t thinking when he made that bet with Chris as it never crossed his mind what he is going to do once he’s won and made Phil fall for him. Not once did Dan think Oh, what will happen afterwards?

And now that he has succeed, Dan has no idea what he is supposed to do.

The obvious would be to just drop Phil, tell him everything was a joke and never talk to him again. But Dan- he might seem heartless and cruel and if this thing was about anyone else he’d totally be in for the first idea, but it’s kind of difficult with Phil. Because even though Dan never intended for this to happen, Phil has sort of grown on him and he just can’t bring himself to break the boy’s heart. 
Dan isn’t in love with Phil though, so at some point he will have to break whatever they have off and that thought kind of terrifies Dan because Phil seems just like the kind of person that would break down and cry and Dan can’t handle tears very well.

Still engulfed in the warmth of his arms, Phil moves his head all of sudden and nuzzles his face into the crock of Dan’s neck and Dan isn’t sure if he’s awake or not but judging by the small sighs leaving his mouth, Phil seems to be still pretty much asleep.

Now usually the closeness would be something that had Dan running away in no time at all, but when he looks down and sees Phil’s relaxed face, lips slightly parted and faintly curled up in a smile, he just can’t bring himself to push the boy away. Instead he decides that if he’s going to break Phil’s heart, the least he could do is provide him some cuddles before – especially since he has taken the boy’s virginity literally hours before. (And Dan knows what it feels like to lose your virginity and then wake up all alone in an empty bed and he really doesn’t wish that feeling on anyone else.)

It doesn’t take too long until Dan, for some reason, finds himself running his hand over Phil’s bare back, gently brushing his fingers over the bumps of his spine with feather-light, almost unnoticeable touches. Those movements, however, are apparently enough to wake Phil up and before Dan can retrieve his hand the boy is stretching and then cuddling back into him, yawning loudly.

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