Chapter 26

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When Dan wakes up around eleven o’clock the next morning, immediately reaches for his phone and doesn’t find any new messages on there, he’s confused and slightly alarmed. Because in the course of the past weeks he and Phil have fallen into a sort of routine concerning their mornings. It has started out with Dan being cheesy and a little bit cliché at first, but Phil has jumped right onto the bandwagon and now they’ve ended up sending good morning texts every single day no matter what time and even though Dan usually sleeps in on weekends and doesn’t read Phil’s message before it’s basically already midday for him.

So it’s completely reasonable, in Dan’s opinion anyway, that he feels rather uneasy about his inbox being message-free, especially with it being way past the time that Phil usually gets up on a Sunday (which is on average 8:40 and Dan feels sort of stalker-ish because he knows that but since Phil has no idea about that piece of knowledge, Dan has no problems with ignoring it).

Still caught up in semi-sleep Dan rubs his eyes and then checks his phone again, even opening his inbox in case the message just hasn’t shown up as a new one; but nothing.

Now, all things considered, it’s a pretty silly thing to worry about Phil just because he hasn’t texted Dan; especially because it’s something as banal as ‘good morning’, but Dan has found out some time ago that Phil makes him worry about a lot of things that haven’t bothered him before. Like what his parents would say if Dan told them that he and Phil were actually dating. Or what the school would say if they found out. Or just Phil in general. Dan can’t help worrying about the boy whenever they are parted, which is probably sort of unhealthy but Dan can’t help his protectiveness. And it’s not like he’s being a clingy, nosy creep that asks Phil what he is doing every second of the day so that he can control him. Dan just worries. He cares about Phil and he doesn’t want him to get hurt or get into trouble and while not texting doesn’t seem like the end of the world, to Dan it sort of feels like it because it means that something is wrong and wrong is never a good thing.

He types out a message to Phil as fast as it takes him to tap the right buttons on the screen.

     To: Phil
      good morning phil! :)

The text doesn’t cover what Dan wants to say and ask even nearly enough but he doesn’t want Phil to think he’s obsessive over him (which he really isn’t) so a simple good morning will have to do.

Waiting for the reply, Dan finally pushes his covers back and stretches, shivering lightly when the cool air hits his still sleep-warm skin. He pulls on a jumper as fast as he can. His phone rings with a new message the moment Dan tries to put on proper jeans but as soon as his ears pick up the sound, he hobbles over to his bed, trousers sagging around his knees.

      From: Phil
      morning dan. im sry i didnt text u earlier, woke up and felt like shit so i went back to sleep. im fine tho, dont worry.

Dan’s immediately alarmed after reading the message because (1) Phil always uses proper grammar when they text, not even shortening words like ‘really’ or ‘you’ unless Dan is teasing him and Phil’s playing sulky on him, (2) Phil never gets up later than ten, and most importantly doesn’t go back to sleep again, because he is one of these ridiculously cheery morning people who thinks a day is wasted if you sleep in, and (3), he said he was fine and told Dan not to worry which of course is the universal code for “Dan definitely has to worry his pants off” because Phil isn’t feeling well and all Dan has done all morning is sleep while his maybenotreallybutdamnhewishes-boyfriend has been lying in his bed, dead-sick. Okay, maybe Dan is over-thinking now but he can’t help it.

      To: Phil
      dont be sorry omg, but whats up? do you want me to come over?

And Dan thinks maybe the ‘do you want me to come over’ sounds a little bit too much like the worrying boyfriend that he isn’t, but he doesn’t really care. He’s too absorbed in thoughts about what’s up with Phil. Phil’s replies comes only two minutes later.

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