Chapter 25

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When Dan gets home an hour after what he has decided to call The Miracle, capital letters and all again because it seems appropriate considering how much of a miracle it actually is that Phil has forgiven him, he is in a better mood than he remembers ever being in. He’s right-out beaming at his mother when he skips up the stairs and meets her in the hallway, almost bumping into her because he feels kind of like he’s floating on a cloud of pure bliss all by himself, with no one there to interrupt his felicity

“Oh, good, you’re at home.” His mum greets him, only briefly looking at Dan’s face before continuing her way to the bathroom. She’s obviously still about to get ready for their dinner with Dan’s dad and Dan is quite glad about that too because he really doesn’t know what he should tell her if she decides to ask him why he is so incredibly cheerful; considering Dan hasn’t even gotten around telling his parents that he is into guys as well as girls yet.

“Make sure you’re ready at half past 7, dear.” His mum calls before shutting the bathroom door behind her.

Dan replies, “Yes”, and then decides to take a nice, long shower, spending more time than usual on washing his hair, because even though it’s only dinner with his parents, Dan knows better than to be careless about his appearance. The restaurant they’re going to is, as far as Dan knows, posh as hell and demands a certain effort concerning clothing and general looks, and while he doesn’t exactly like places like that a lot, Dan just appreciates the thought his parents have put into the whole thing. And quite honest, Dan doesn’t think there are a lot of things that could possibly ruin the brilliant mood he’s in.

After putting on black jeans and a smart dress shirt, Dan retrieves his phone from his desk and checks for new messages; there’s one from Chris.

      From: Chris
      dude im srsly disappointed in u


Dan quirks his eyebrow, grazing his mind for anything he could have done in the few hours since he has last seen Chris in school; he can’t think of one thing that might have any reason to disappoint Chris.

He texts back.

      To: Chris
      what’re you on about?


Instead of waiting for a reply, however, Dan just pockets his phone and puts on his shoes before going downstairs, joining his mum in the living room.

“Your dad should be here any minute now,” she informs Dan, putting away the magazine she was browsing. “He had to go into work today because of some issues with the Harrison contract, but he promised to be back on time.”

Dan nods, not really sure what ‘the Harrison contract’ is supposed to be, but he can’t really be bothered to ask about it either. Spending more time with his parents hasn’t expanded to asking details about their work yet, and Dan isn’t really eager for that to change, if he’s being honest. As much as he enjoys talking with his parents, detailed explanations about both his parents’ jobs aren’t exactly Dan’s concept of fun conversations (and thankfully his parents are on the same page with him concerning that, and merely say things like Dan’s mum just did, about issues with contracts or projects that need to be finished).

 When his mum goes back to reading her magazine, Dan fetches his phone again for something to do.

      From: Chris
      u and phil make up & u dont even think about telling me man. very disappointing indeed, and im supposed to be ur best friend

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