Chapter 16

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It takes Chris and PJ hardly 25 minutes to get to the forest behind Dan’s house and apparently their childhood adventures are still as fresh in Chris’ mind as ever because he finds the right pathway almost immediately.

“What do you think is going on with Dan?” PJ asks, trailing after Chris as they push through the thick forest.

Chris sighs unhappily. “I bet you a hundred bucks it’s got something to do with Phil.”

“Probably.” PJ mumbles, pushing his hands into his pockets. “Do you reckon we should, like, talk to Phil and tell him that everything is kind of our fault as well?”

Chris smiles slightly because PJ is great and he includes himself into this mess just so Chris won’t feel bad and that’s really damn nice and all, but Chris is quite aware that the bet and everything regarding it is kind of his fault alone; although Dan isn’t innocent at all either.

“I don’t know, like, what for?” He replies unsurely. “I mean, I don’t really know Phil but I don’t want him to be hurt and stuff either but as long as Dan doesn’t realise that he is in love with him, talking to Phil won’t do much good.”

“True.” PJ says, shrugging his shoulders. “I just feel kind of bad for him because he seems to really have liked Dan and they would be kinda cute together, you know?”

 “Dan and cute, right.” Chris laughs. “No, but I get what you mean. We’ll work this out once we know what’s up with Dan, alright?”

PJ nods in agreement and they wouldn’t have time to say more anyway because they’ve reached the lake, Dan told them he was at and they really have to figure out what’s going on with their best friend now.

“Dan.” Chris says, mustering Dan and it’s almost impossible not to notice the strange way he is sitting, all slumped and without the usual glow of confidence around him. He looks vulnerable and kind of broken and it scares Chris a hell lot to see Dan like that when he is used to him being all cocky and full of himself.

“Hey.” Dan replies shortly, doesn’t look up or acknowledge Chris and PJ’s presence in any other way.

Chris sighs and takes a step towards him. “What’s going on, Dan?”

Dan shakes his head in response, running his fingers through his hair as he thinks of a response. “Too much.” He mumbles. “Way too much.”

“Look.” PJ butts in. “If this is still because of yesterday…”

“No.” Dan speaks, sits up to lock eyes with PJ and his eyes look so tired and dull and not like Dan at all. “It’s not about anything you two said…” He trails off, furrowing his brows. “Well, okay maybe it kind of is. I dunno.”

Chris raises his eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Dan sighs. “It’s supposed to mean that you two did nothing wrong but what you said about Phil and me and my feelings and stuff- well, it kind of, like, seems to have triggered something in me- I don’t know.” He lowers his gaze again, a pink flush covering his face.

Chris’ eyes widen. “Do you mean-”

A quick nod from Dan silences him and Chris can’t help but stare at his friend in surprise and reason for it is not Dan’s feelings for Phil, because seriously, Chris and PJ have figured those out ages ago, but rather that Dan has actually come to terms with them.

“How?” PJ asks hesitantly.

“Yesterday at lunch break-” Dan starts quietly, wringing his fingers together. “I left because I saw Phil and wanted to talk to him or something- I’m still not sure why I actually went after him but anyway. I couldn’t find him at first and I was about to leave again and then I saw him and-” He stops in midsentence, takes a deep, shaky breath before glancing up at Chris and PJ.

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