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I was preparing

For an afternoon of

Sorting through old

Things in the loft

And listening to

Wonderful songs

On my record player

While my parents were

Away on a romantic weekend,

Before my birthday.

That's just the way things

Worked out.

A freak thunderstorm

Raged outside


Frightened my dog.

I was a little

Frightened too.

I like rain,

But thunderstorms are

Too out of control.

They are unpredictable and


Coming when they wish

Like a bad turn of mood.

They are the angry side

Of the weather.

My dalmatian,


(An early birthday present from

My parents)

Sat with me under the

Kitchen table,

While the record player was on

In the other room as loud

As possible to

Overcome the noise of the storm.

The door bell must have rung

Several times before I actually

Heard a banging at the door.

I left Danny whining under the table cloth

And cautiously answered the knocking.

You were standing there

With a small bouquet of colourful flowers.

You were soaking wet from head to toe.

Even the flowers

Were dripping.

You were smiling but then

Your smile fell slightly.

It must have been the

Shock on my face.

I wasn't prepared to meet you.

I had

Hardly any make-up on,

Old jeans

And a baggy jumper.

It was a Saturday afternoon,

A day before my birthday

And I just didn't know what to do.

I stared and gaped

For far too long.

Eventually, you said hi.

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