Chapter One

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Ava's pov.
"Happy birthday!" I cheered through the phone. Today was the day my best friend of four years turned sixteen.

"Chronologically you're sixteen today. Physically you're still 15." I heard Sam talk to herself, sighing. "Hopeless." She mumbled. "Nope, I look exactly the same as I have since summer, utterly forgettable. No, I didn't expect to wake up transformed. I just thought that turning sixteen would be so major that I would wake up with an improved mental state that would show on my face. All it shows is that I don't have any sort of a tan left." Sam ranted into the phone. I just lightly laughed. She sighed. "I better get downstairs. My family's probably pissed off I haven't let them wish me happy birthday yet."

"I'm totally setting you up with a guy now." I said, picking at my turquoise nail polish.

"All right." Sam laughed into the phone. "I'll see you at school." Sam immediately hung up the phone, making me put mine down and start to get ready for school.

As I got dressed, I couldn't help but let the sound of my phone vibrating drive me insane. It kept going off, one vibration after another. I quickly pulled my dark skinny jeans up my legs. I threw on a random grey sweater that hung off the back of my desk chair.

To say my room was messy, was underrated. Clothes were everywhere, dirty and clean. I was too busy to keep my room clean. Plus, my three evil little brothers would mess it up again anyway.

I slipped on my combat boots and grabbed my bag. I walked out of my room. The house was empty. My mom and dad were at work and my brothers were already on the bus.

I could leave the house later since I had my license. I know it isn't normal for sophomores to have their license, but when your dad works at the DMV, he can pull some strings. I had a crappy light blue truck, but it worked and got me places so I didn't care.

I grabbed my phone and checked all of the messages.

'Jawline (27)
Text Message'

I rolled my eyes, slightly laughing. I don't know why this kid would send me twenty-seven messages. I am suppose to set him up with Sam, since she has had the most biggest crush on him since freshmen year. It might be hard since he's a senior, but I had hope.

I unlocked my phone and looked at the messages.

I'm here

Hurry up








Pick up your phone

I'm coming in

No I'm not

Your dad scares me


I'm leaving you here


I'm jk

I'm still here

I'll sneak through your window

I'm not playing

It's passed 7

I'm blaming you if we're late


I forgot you had your own car


I'm leaving


I laughed aloud at his texts and decided to call him.

"You at school yet?" I laughed into the phone as he picked up.

"Very funny." He fake laughed. "And no, I'm still driving."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted into the phone. "You're not suppose to be on the phone while driving."

"You're the one who called me." He started freaking out over the phone.

I silently laughed to myself. "Chill," I said calmly. "I was just messing with you."

"That's not funny, Ava." He seethed. "I thought I was about to get pulled over or something."

I laughed. "All right, Jake. I'll see you later."

He said a quick goodbye as I hung up my phone and put it back into my bag. Jake had been texting me a lot ever since the beginning of last summer. I could tell Sam was a little jealous, but I never rubbed it in her face.

Yes, I felt bad but Jake didn't seem like he wanted anything to do with her. He does have a girlfriend, Caroline. We're nice to eachother and everything, but I could tell she doesn't really like me since her boyfriend talked to me more than he talked to her.

But it's not my fault, none of this was.

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