Chapter Two

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Ava's pov.
"I'm sure they didn't forget your birthday." I shrugged, putting my academic books in my locker and taking my bag out. "They just didn't remember it right away."

Sam scoffed and leaned on the locker next to mine. "Same difference."

"I know it's a drag that your sweet sixteen's the day before Ginny gets married but big deal, they'll remember." I said, grabbing the pillow and blanket out of my locker and putting it in my bag.

"Oh, easy for you to say." Sam turned to me. "Did anyone ever forget your birthday?"

"Sam." I sighed, shutting my locker and shrugging my bag over my shoulders.

"Everything's getting shittier." Sam complained for the tenth time today. "My family forgetting my birthday just makes it more vivid."

"Well what do you expect, a breakfast birthday party?" I joke. Of course I felt bad for her, but that doesn't mean she could complain to me and ruin my day.

"No," Sam sighed. "but they could have at least said happy birthday. I mean it was just like any other day." Sam said as we started walking towards study hall.

"Why don't you remind them?" I asked. "They'll feel some massive guilt, it could be highly profitable."

"I wouldn't stoop to remind them. Since I was about twelve I've been looking forward to my sweet sixteen." Sam sighed and looked at the ceiling as we walked slowly. "You know, a big party and a band, tons of people-"

"-and big TransAm in the driveway with a ribbon around it." I continued for her. "And some incredibly gorgeous guy, in your case Jake, and you could do it on a cloud without getting pregnant or herpes."

"I don't need the cloud." Sam stifled a laugh.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. "Just a big TransAm and Jake, right?"

"A black TransAm." Sam laughed as we entered study hall for independent study. Sam instantly froze when the only free seat was in the corner of the class, next to the boy she's been obsessed with for two years. "I-I can't go over there." Sam stammered.

I gave her a confused look. "This is your chance." I smiled at her as I walked towards the back. I usually sit on the big table in the back. 'Talk to him' I mouthed to Sam who was trailing behind me.

Music was playing as students talked about random stuff. No one did anything in independent study. It was more of a social period.

I kept walking to the back as I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked over to see Jake looking at me. At the end of this, he's going to be looking at Sam.

I bit my lip as I sat down at the back table. Jake's desk was sat at the corner of the room.

"Someone decided to show up." He teased, keeping his eyes on me as I pulled out my pillow and blanket. It's like Antarctica in here.

"Well, you're the one who left and didn't give me ride." I shrugged nonchalantly. I placed the pillow on the table and draped the blanket over my shoulders as I sat in the chair. I bent over a laid my head down as I criss-crossed my legs.

"I'd give you a ride anytime." He winked at me as I just laughed. Sam was standing in the front corner. I felt her eyes on us the whole time. She looked weird standing there when there is a free seat next to Jake.

"Why don't you give your girlfriend a ride?" I smirked, knowing he wasn't into her as much as he used to be. "I mean, she's is your girlfriend so I don't know why your flirting with another girl." I raised my eyebrows.

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