Jake's pov.
I was now holding Ava's panties. Me and Ted, the geek that got stuck under my table, were in the kitchen while Ted was mixing a drink.I raised my eyebrows at the black panties that had 'PINK' on the back of the hem in cursive writing.
"These are really hers?" I asked Ted.
"Yeah." He answered like it was normal to have one of the most popular girl in school panties.
"How did you get 'em?" I asked.
Ted shrugged. "She gave 'em to me. "
I raised my eyebrows. If he had sex with her then I probably would punch him. "Did you . . . ?" I trailed off.
Ted quickly shook his head. "No. She's cranked for you."
"Really?" I asked. I didn't think she liked me back. I always thought she thought I was disgusting because I was still 'leading' Caroline on, and that's her friend. Plus, she tried to set me up with someone else.
"Girls know their shit, and they enjoy pumping us up. It's pure power politics. I'm telling you." Ted acted like he knew everything about a girl when I knew he was still a virgin.
"I thought she thought I was disgusting." I scoffed.
"Games, Jake. Silly torturous games. Sometimes I go a week without lunch because some bitch wants to borrow my lunch money. Any halfway decent girl can rob me blind because I'm too twuirked up to say no. It's heinous, I'm telling you." The geeks voice raised as his sentence went on. I thought he was talking about something else when he started to talk about lunch, but of course he wasn't.
"You better not be dicking me around." I warned. "It'd be a major let down to try and get together with this girl and find out that she really does think I'm a slime."
"Jake, would I dick you? Let me put it to you this way, what happens to me if I dick you?" He asked, finishing off the drinks he made.
I scoffed. "I'll kick your ass."
"Right!" Ted's voice raised. "So why would I lie? But I feel compelled to mention to you, Jake, that if all you want off the girl is a piece of ass, I mean, I'll either do it myself, or get someone bigger than me to kick your ass. I mean, not many girls in contemporary American society today would give their underwear to help a geek like me."
I scoffed. "I can get a piece of ass anytime I want. Shit, I've got Ava in the bedroom right now, passed out cold and Caroline in my parents room. I could violate them ten different ways if I wanted to." I spat, knowing that was a lie.
Ted almost choked on a pretzel as my last sentence slipped out of my mouth. "What are you waiting for?"
"I don't know." I shrugged. "She's beautiful and she's built and all that, I'm just not interested anymore." I referred to Caroline.
"Does that really matter, guy?" Ted raised his eyebrows, taking a sip of tequila.
"Yeah it matters." I scoffed. "She's totally insensitive. Look what she did to my house. She doesn't know shit about love. The only thing she cares about is partying." I sighed. "I want a serious girlfriend. Someone I can love that's gonna love me back." I paused. "Is that psycho?"
Ted spit out a green olive in surprise. "That's beautiful, Jake. You know I think a ton of guys feel the same way you do."
"Really?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Yeah," Ted shrugged. "they just don't have the . . . the balls to admit it. You know what I mean? I mean, they're just . . . they're wimps. Ava is a . . . she's really special."
"I'll make a deal with you." I smirked as I held the panties in my hands. "You let me keep these, I'll let you take Caroline home but you've got to make sure she gets home. You can't leave her in a parking lot somewhere. Okay?"
"Jake," Ted said, placing his glass of tequila on the table. "I'm only a freshman."
I shrugged. "So, she's so out of it she won't know the difference."
"Jake, I don't have a car."
"You can take mine."
"Jake, I don't have license."
"I trust you." I shrugged, finding a flaw in every one of his excuses.
"Jake, I'd love to . . . I can't." He insisted.
"You sure?" I raised my eyebrows.

Best Friends Betrayal ❃ j.r
FanfictionAva, Sam's popular bestfriend, tries to set up her and the most popular guy in their school, Jake. Sam thinks she has no chance but Ava still tries. Everything seems to be going right, just until Ava finds out something she never expected.