Chapter Six

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Ava's pov.
"Where are you?" I asked through the phone as I shivered. I was outside of the front doors of the school.

"I had Dong drop me off at home." Sam said. Dong?

"What the hell is a Dong?" I asked, pulling my jacket tighter over my shoulders.

"He's an exchange student that came here with my grandparents." Oh yeah, her family is visiting for her sister's wedding. I forgot about that, and I was invited to the wedding.

"Well, there's a party at Jake's house. I'm going and I can probably pick you up if you want." I offered, walking quickly to my truck.

"Ava," she started. "Jake likes you. He doesn't like me, he doesn't like Caroline . . . he likes you. No matter how hard you try to make him notice me and like me, he won't." Her voice was low and she sounded like she could cry any minute.

"Sa-" I started but she cut me off.

"I know you like him, too. Go to his party and have fun without me. It's fine." She reassured, but I felt like she would hate me if I went to that party.

"Are you sure?" I asked, opening my truck door and hopping in. I started it right away and put the heat on.

"Yeah." She sighed. "Go have fun." Her voice was louder and more joyful.

I huffed. "All right, wish me luck."

Jake's pov.
Everyone at my house was either drunk, high, or both. Caroline invited a lot more people than she said and I was pissed. Everybody and their brother is at this party.

Even the outside of my house is trashed. I just angrily looked around at what has happened to my parent's house.

Caroline walked over to me and she's clearly drunk.

"Everybody," Caroline said to the whole room, even though no one was listening. "I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Jake. Jake, this is . . . everybody."

Someone shooted a jockstrap at me but Caroline caught it.

"All right . . ." Caroline giggled. "who's is this?"

I just walked off without saying anything.

"Such a poop." I heard Caroline say before she took another sip of beer.

I entered the kitchen to see everything in my pantry scattered along the island.

"I don't wanna make-make out with you." I heard a familiar drunk voice hiccup as I walked closer. It was Ava and she was cornered by one of the muscle heads on the football team.

"C'mon." He leaned in again and she pushed him off of her the best she could.

"Stop." She hiccuped. I knew she was drunk.

I gripped the guy's shoulder as I ripped him off of her, shocking the both of them. "Leave her alone, man." I pushed him towards the other side of the kitchen.

"Jake!" Ava yelled, throwing her arms around me. "I missed you." She nuzzled her face into my chest.

"I'm sure you did." I laughed slightly at her drunken state. "Let's get you in the bedroom." I said, starting to walk backwards towards the stairs.

"No." She whined. "I want to go party." She let go of me, stumbling towards the cooler full of beers. I had a side view of her as she bent down to get a can of beer.

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