Chapter Eight

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Jake's pov.
Everyone gone home and my house was trashed. I looked around at the mess Caroline and her little friends left.

"Son of a bitch." I mumbled before going to sit on the couch that was full of beer cans. The stereo was skipping, there was a pizza on the record player as it still played, and the coffee table was covered in pretzels and cans. "What a disaster." I mumbled to myself again.

I went to take a swig out of a beer can I found on the table, but it was empty. I looked at the coffee table and spotted another beer, deciding to take it. I picked it up and was about to take a drink when I noticed an eye looking back at me.

I leaned in closer and then shoved all the crap off the glass coffee table to reveal the geek who is somehow trapped under the table.

"Jake!" He screamed, beating his head on the glass.

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