Chapter Seven

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Ava's pov.
I peeled my eyes open, only to be met with big, brown ones.

"Are you with me?" Jake chuckled as he waved a hand in my face.

"What happened?" My voice was groggy as I sat up. I rubbed my aching head, only making the pain worse. I don't remember anything from when I fell asleep.

"Well, you only fell asleep a half hour ago . . ." Jake trailed off looking at me. "Some guy tried to try something on you, but I stopped him." He said quietly. "And you swallowed toothpaste." He chuckles lightly.

"Is that why my throat is burning?" My eyes felt heavy and I was struggling to keep them open.

Jake laughed, amused by all of this. "I don't know." He shrugged. He handed me a water bottle and two small, blue pills. "Take these, they'll help the headache."

"Thanks." I mumbled, taking the pills and taking a few extra sips of the water.

"Jake?" I heard a drunk Caroline call from the hallway outside of Jake's room. "Where are you Jake?" She slid to the floor and sat in the doorway. "Jakey, have you stopped loving me?"

Jake immediately groaned as he stood up and walked towards her. "Leave me alone!" He said harshly as he slammed the door.

"Didn't have to be so harsh." I mumbled, playing with the water bottle that rested in my lap. "She was just looking for her boyfriend."

"I don't even want to be her boyfriend anymore, why act like one?" He smirked.

I just shook my head as I laid down again, feeling a cool draft. Then I finally remembered something from tonight, I gave a geek my panties.

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