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So yeah it just ended, but I have a few really cool announcements. 

So you may have thought this book was over but I'm throwing in a few bonus chapters. It's going to be like mega SoMa going on and you guys are going to love it.

Next to let you guys know, 

I AM RELEASING TWO FAIRY TAIL BOOKS. not one, but two.  one will be adding a character to the original story, the other takes place in an alternate universe with some serious Nalu during the medieval times. I'm Building up a few chapters before releasing them and I will let you know when that will happen. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if ya'll would check them out!

Next I want to give some power to you the readers. I will be taking requests for storys, oneshots, or whatever that you would like to see. I don't garuntee writing all of them, but I will try and write a few of them. If I like your suggestion I will message you but I would love to hear what you guys would like to read :) 

So yeah, that's what I had to say, i'm excited to hear what you guys have to say! 



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