Well Hello There... Intro

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So hi :3

This is a warning for all you lil munchkins reading my story...this is a shit story...AND it has boyxboy...I mentioned it in the description I think...so if you don't like it...don't read my book ^-^ <3 ENJOY

It's been about 3 months I believe and oh looky I'm on the polices most wanted, good job me. I smirked going through the police databases on my crimes. Lets see... murder, thievery, assault and my favourite, terrorism...

It wasn't terrorism...I mean...setting up explosives in a few buildings and setting a few on fire isn't reaaaaally terrorism...ok maybe it is but come onnnn...it was the most fun  had since killing a few scientists...especially blowing up the fireworks factory oh the good times...

also I just want to say...I may have burnt afew dozen people with the fire works...but they survived...mostly...

As I just started deleting some minor data, aka all my crimes and history, a man walked in and god damn..."Uhhh...is this the police station?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

I nod "come on in little buddy" that's not the only thing you can 'come' into...what...he's hot ok I mean look at him...black hair, hazel eyes and a body of a model that's at least 6'4...mmm...tall people....oh my god, HAVE MY BABIES.

"Something on my face or what?" The man asks.

"my cum in a few hours time" I mumble under my breath.

"sorry what?" He asks.

I smirked evilly and quickly replied "nothing just talking to myself".

I smiled up at the man and asked "what you here for lil buddy?".

The man looks at me with suspicion and says "I was told to come in for interrogation...".

My smirk turns into a grin "name?" I ask ready to type it into the database.

"Alexander Woods" oh I bet you have wood, I do....WHAT?...he's still hot...

I search his name and there it is, suspicion of robbery, minor stuff. I quickly delete his criminal file "there you go, off the hook" I say with a wink.

The man smiles "I knew you weren't a police officer, but wait...how did you hack into the database?" he asks.

"I asked the nice policeman very nicely to tell me how..." I smile not mentioning the part where I nearly killed him using my power to make him tell me how...poor guy may or may not be completely frozen at the moment...but he'll unfreeze...I think... I bet the poor guys package looks like a jellybean by now...that poor man will never have babies...

The man smiles again then holds out his hand "thanks I owe you one" you can owe me a blow job later...I shake his hand and watch as he leaves... I am so gonna stalk that sexy little ass of yours...mmm he needs to start wearing some skinny jeans...

Is it getting hot in here...I think it's getting hot...and these skinny jean are slowly crushing my poor man parts...DAMN YOU ALEX AND YOUR POWERS OF WOOD!...ha get it...because... Alex Woods...ok...I'll stop...

Hey so just some notes...I know this doesn't seem like the greatest story ever but...some advice would be nice...

So then if you enjoyed this story...leave a comment and vote it up :3 ANDDDD ENJOY THE BOOK

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