One Down...Three To Go

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                       Alex's POV

I woke up to see a human shaped living flame walk in, am I surprised?...Nope...believe it or not but this happens often...usually when Zero has just made the town burst into flames...and people say their boyfriends or girlfriends are insane...

"What happened this time?..." I ask rolling my eyes.

Zero turns to normal and flops rather gracefully, sarcasm, onto the bed and groans "I hate children with water guns...".

It's only then I notice Zero has some severe...what is that...frost bite?...ok then....I now know what happens to fire man when touched by water...guess it makes sense...

"Turn back for a second" I say smiling as I gently stroked his hair.

I watched as he obeyed, letting a small flame light in my hand. I put it on the frost bite area that looked like cooling lava and watch it warm up then relight into a warm flame like the rest of his body.

Kinda cool how he can use the elements to heal...

I kissed his forehead as he once again became normal "go to sleep...I gotta go out for awhile..." I said rubbing my hand in soothing circles.

I watched him nod and slowly fall asleep. Goodnight my love...when you wake up...we'll be free...

I made my way to the location of the cave mouth, I need to do this...I need to...

As I walked towards it I noticed a decaying's not the dying unicorn...but ew...I walked inside and tried to remember where I went in that dream...oh...there's a lovely charred body... ISNT THAT LOVELY?!...

I came to a stop when the familiar room of lava came into view along with what I came for... The orb...

I walked towards it then reached out to touch it and as I did a sudden image flashed through my head making me gasp.

A small island in a lake, as I seemed to float down into the water I saw an underground entrance, I floated through the entrance and wow...this place is...well...gorgeous... And there's the or- OH SHIT. I started floating back to where I was before floating into the air to see the location....hey I can see my house from here... And it's so far away...

I pouted then suddenly I was flying towards a rather dense area of forest. In that forest I found  a large boulder covering what seems to be an entrance, I floated through it and into a large mine shaft leading to a large empty room...well almost empty...there was another seemed to have floating leaves trapped inside it...

Oh and here I go again floating away...and oh great...I'm heading to fucking Mount's know as Mount Widow...for...obvious reasons...avalanches...freak accidents...and other stuff...oh god I'm going to the top...oh why...

I looked at a small over hanging rock that sheltered a ball of swirling air...great... Well let's first, then air and then finally water... Sounds good...

I gasped again as the vision ended, that was trippy... WELL I GOT A SWEET ASS TO IMPRESS! LETS GO...

I smiled walking towards the dense area of forest, I will save us Zero...

                      Zeros POV

I gasped awake panting as my body felt as though it was burning, the orbs... Someone is taking them away from their areas...I shifted into water to cool myself which helped but I couldn't help but feel as though I'm getting weaker, that ins dying... And worse...Alex could be dying...I have to find him...

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now