Naked In The Woods

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                       Authors notes
Just a small warning this will contain boyxboy so if you wish to keep you innocence...(even though It doesn't go into detail...)don't read this chapter...much love to those who read this book :3 enjoy my munchkins.

                        Alex's POV

Was a dreaming?...I honestly couldn't tell...I sat in my old home staring out a window that had one if the most beautiful view of the forest I loved that forest...

As I admired it I saw movement, one comes out here...I saw a red headed man running into the forest and I swallowed hard.

I ran out the house and ran the way he ran, great I'm chasing a man I don't even know the name of...screw it I'll call Red for now....

By the time I found him I was out of breath and what I saw...I think I just stopped breathing...there standing in a small clearing....naked...was Red and I think my um...little friend...wants to make his presence know...

I shifted uncomfortably then looked down and my eyes widened in shock "SHIT IM NAKED!" I yelled my face going redder than Reds hair.

I heard a chuckle as Red walked closer to me, ohhh god my boner was not making this any better...I watched him come closer until he stopped infront of me and cupped my cheeks with his hands pulling me down slightly to press his lips against mine in a passionate kiss.

I was over whelmed by pleasure, so much so I didn't even realise he pulled me to the ground on top of him, he wrapped his legs around my waist and whispered In my ear "I love you...".

I jerked awake...AHHHH SHIT IT WAS A DREAM, GOD DAMNIT! I just want that little ass of Is unfair sometimes...I snapped my attention to Red who came stumbling in with a quite large bottle of what I think is vodka...great...he's drunk...and I'm horny...oh he taking his clothes off?...yep...he is...oh god no, CONCEAL DONT FEEL, DONT LET IT SHOW! I mentally screamed frozens lyrics in my head in my head while tugging some blankets over my raging hard erection...

I watched Red get completely naked then crawl into my lap where he wiggled his hips making me let out a small moan.

He leaned in and whispered "I'm horny..." ohhhh god no...Red lowered himself abit licking one of my sensitive little nubs earning him a loud moan from me, YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT IM HORNY!.

I rolled us over and after afew hours we lay there panting from our little...well...experience in bed...and holy shit...Red was good...

"I love you" I softly whispered making Red whimper.

"I love you names Zero...not red" He said slightly out of breathe....wait did I say that out loud?...unless he can read minds...

"Yes...yes you said that out loud...also no...I can't read minds..." Zero says with a smile.

I smiled, Zero huh...guess it made sense...I laid soft kisses on his neck before collapsing on him just to be a (bigger) pain in the ass and watched him fall asleep, after giving afew drunken giggles and him trying to push me off, before I felt my own eyes close from fatigue...

I've only known him for like an hour now and I was already deeply I love with this man...

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