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Zeros POV

It's left arm seems to be turning to right is turning into what seems to be burning embers...the only advantage to that...I'm melting my ice cocoon...

I don't understand what Alex thought was so important...but I'll find out... And I'll make him stop...he doesn't realise I'm dying...he wouldn't do this if he knew...


I watch the area infront of me, it's blurry but I can still kinda make out what's how there's a person coming towards me...all I can see of them is the eyes... Red glowing eyes...

The person pulled back their fist and with all their strength broke the ice surrounding me.

Before I could even look up to see their face, they were gone...

And I too need to go...I need to find Alex...I need him to stop this...before he kills's strange...I thought I would be fine but...guess I've become even more unstable...

I groaned and stood up then gasped as I lost feeling in my foot all I knew was my foot felt quite heavy...and I can't even breath very all my air is being sucked away...

There's only one way I can find Alex...but I'll need to go back to my home to get some notes about where father dearest's lab's not going to be fun since I need to hurry...I need to use my air form...I won't be able to I'll make it quick...

I sucked in a breath as my body rippled slightly before turning into a human shaped tornado and darting through the lake to off to my cave as fast as possible, but will it be fast enough to stop Alex.

Alex's POV

It wasn't long before I arrived at the lab and entered to see if almost completely empty.

I walked In looking through the glass to subjects rooms only to notice all of them were freezing, burnt, turned to stone or simply looking like they suffocated...what could have done this?...has this happend to every single one of then?...

I looked down the hall after hearing foot steps only to find a smirking scientist there.

"Judging by my subjects health, I'm guessing you have all five of the orbs?" He asks grinning like a mad man...wait...five orbs?...

"Five?" I questioned looking confused.

"Yes, Five. Think of the fifth as a sort" he replies looking bothered, "oh well knowing Zero, he'll come try stopping you..."

"Zero?...he's the fifth orb?...and why would he want to stop me?..." I was even more confused now than ever before.

I watched as Hopkins nodded then simply said "you'll soon find out why..."

I followed as he led me down the hall to a special machine he simply referred to as 'a portal back home' I placed each orb in its place then looked about the room as Hopkins prepared, and what I saw...was shocking...not only did Hopkins plan to go back home...he planned to invade it...

"All done, now we just need to wait..." I heard him say. A hot rage that ive never known before hit me all of a sudden as my world went red...

Zeros POV

I had finally arrived in the lab gasping for breath and limping, I had almost no movement in my arms and legs any more so I had to hurry. I once again held my breath and followed the only sounds I heard...machines...and saying I was shocked at what I found was an understatement...

Alex...he was standing over my fathers corpse...yet he still went about his business like nothing was wrong until he heard me and turned...

I watched him smile.

"Glad you could join us Zero... Preparation is almost done..." He replied sounding madder than me...and that's pretty mad...

"Why?" I choked out.

"Because my love, this isn't real..." He smirked and went back to doing whatever he was doing.

"Not...real?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, haven't you ever wondered WHY I can't remember my old home or town or even the country I'm from. Hell, I don't even know the name of this place" he replies frowning.

"That's..." I only realised then... It all makes sense nobody knows their parents, where they're from or the name of this country even...he...was right...

It's all an illusion...

"I'm sorry by the way...I need you and these orbs to escape..." He says and I stare in confusion until he turns on the main machine that glows brightly.

"I'm afraid you will never remember this day back in our world...good bye Zero..." That's all I hear before everything goes black and I'm engulfed in pain...all I see in the those same red eyes...


End of book 1

Dun dun the ending...also yes I know ending, so sad (for people who enjoy it) BUT I WILL BE MAKING ANOTHER BOOK...also let me know if that was a good or bad seriously...let me know... I HOPE YOU ENJOYED

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