Subject 69...Really?

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Alex POV

Where was I...why does my neck hurt?... Countless questions went through my head as I felt like I was drowning in this liquid that surrounded me, yet...I can still breathe.

I could only just manage to hear what sounded like...alarms? And screaming so loud I thought I would become deaf if not this glass case and liquid around me...wait what? I'm in a glass case in some liquid...great...this is like some fucked up crazy scientist book I once read...(>:3)

I opened my eyes and looked out of the case just in time to see a pair of what I could barely make out as doors, explode open and a man or woman crash into another glass case.

That would hurt...oh...and now I can see red...oh god...

I then turned my attention back to the doorway as something human in shape but burning a bright blue came in through the doors and look at me with what I assume was it's eyes in the form of bright glowing white orbs, totally not frightening...not at all...can you sense my sarcasm?....probally...

It moved towards my case then held out its hand and the whole tank seemed to boil but I couldn't feel the heat as a hole was blown through the glass wide enough for me to collapse out of it and what did I do...I start choking, I roll onto my back trying to breath as I felt like I couldn't breath anymore and watched my vision faded to black...

          Subject Zero (Ryan) POV

Awww...he passed out...I was hoping to  the pants off him...literally...what he's still hot...

I changed into my normal form and walked up next to him and moved him onto his stomach I looked at his neck in shock...then proceeded to laugh like the crazy person I was. On the back of his neck was a tattoo like mine except his said 'Subject 69' excuse me for being childish BUT COME ON...ITS KINDA also give me an idea of what to do with him...wink wink...

While I was too busy laughing I didn't notice him waking up until he turned his head and slightly glared at me.

"I just got kidnapped and passed out from lack of air and your laughing at me?" He asks angrily.

"Like you wouldn't do the same 'Subject 69'" I said with a slight smirk.

"I wouldn't...and wait subject 69? What the fuck is that?" He asked with a ADORABLE and very confused face...awwwww...he's adorable. I decided I might as well so I turned and took off a scarf I usually wear because; 1 it's fabulous 2 it hides my tattoo and's so soft....mmm softness...but anyway!...

"You see that tattoo?" He nods, "I was a subject here, the very first and now my lil buddy, your one too" I watch as he goes pale "and your the 69th subject"

Mr Woods (heh woods) nods then seems to suddenly realise something "wait...SO IM SUBJECT 69? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKING SHIT WHY COULDT THEY USE ONE MORE SUBJECT BEFORE ME?!" Alex yells seeming to have a even more childish mind than mine...

Oh we're gonna get along just fine...

I crack up laughing as he uses any swear word he can think of...or make up, oh I like this guy already...

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now