Dreams To Reality

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                      Zeros POV

It was a strange dream I had...one of...THOSE dreams...no not wet dreams, I mean the dreams where sometimes it became reality...which explains why my body is covered in burns...

Being me means you don't get seriously harmed by fire water of earth...sometimes air...but tornadoes aren't very common...the same with strong winds... Basically I couldn't be affected by strong winds it was nothing to me...

But either way...this dream...strange at first since their was some creepy dead unicorn with its guts hanging out...but in the dream I was outside the hiding place of the fire orbs hiding place...a old shaft of a volcanoe... Not only did it hide it well...it strengthened it... The orbs had to be around their element to stay...alive in a sense...

I was there... Then my mind had drifted to who I was and why I was alive...why I was created...I felt the need to die...like I wasn't important...

Clearly my dark brooding was obvious since two muscular arms surrounded me and I felt soft kisses on my neck.

"What's wrong Zero?" A voice I've learned to love asks me.

I sighed and turned towards him nuzzling into his chest "oh you know...asking myself why I'm alive and if I'm even wanted to be alive..." I mumbled out.

I felt the arms around me tighten as I said that "Of course your wanted, I love you... Don't say I love you just because you're great at sex... I love everything about you...and the fact you have the best ass ever" he said squeezing my butt.

I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away from my ass then pulled him down to lay on the bed with me, resting my head on his chest and closing my eyes as I drifted off to sleep...

                       Alex's POV

I watch as Zero fell asleep, smiling softly. I meant it when I said I loved everything about him...but there are some things that just need to remain personal... I dressed up in a loose tank top and some jeans before leaving the cave and my sleeping insane...murderous angel...that also eats most of the food... And punished me with no sex...it's heart breaking to have to masturbate...

I walked through the forest with what the voice said going through my head something like 'in the forest hidden from view, a valley of water and luscious green, a lab of new'... I think I got it... Oh well I got the important parts...

I walked a few more hours, UGH HOW HARD IS IT TO FIND A GOD DAMN VALLEY!?.

I walked through some dense bushes before I found myself at the edge of a cliff leading down into a small jungle looking valley...well never mind then...

I made my way down and finding a door was easy... I opened the door slowly and there stood a man with brown hair and green eyes who resembled Zero.

"Hello Alex, I'm Mr. Hopkins, Zeros father..." He says with a smile and I state in shock, his father?...

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now