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                        Alex's POV

Oh look I'm dreaming...mmm where's dream zero at...I looked around my surroundings...well isn't this a lovely place...rainbows and unicorns everywhere...can you sense my sarcasm?...Yes? No? Maybe?...

I studied my surroundings which just happened to be a cave mouth and miles and miles a dying grass trees and...oh my god there's an actual dying unicorn...aw...it's kinda cute I thought looking at it...until it turned and half of its face was missing...

Oh god there's an eyeball hanging out now...I'm gonna dream vomit...oh god...

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I saw a shadow figure make its way past me...ITS A GHOST, CALL GHOST BUSTERS AHHHH!.

I think I said that out loud because it turned and scanned its surroundings...don't move...it's vision is based on movement...and speaking of vision, it was looking at the unicorn right over...hold on...I'm gonna vomit...

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT IT GOT EVEN WORSE!? It was now standing with lovely (sarcasm) pieces of slimy rotten flesh dropping off it with a lovely smacking sound as it hit the floor...oh no...it's organs are handing out....BLEH.

I thought dreams were meant to be happy...

I looked back at the shadow figure ,unable to look at the unicorn anymore, to find it walking inside the cave.

DONT LEAVE ME LIKE MY MOTHER DID...sorry too much?...I'll stop...I'll just go follow the scary man into the cave and probably see Bambi bleeding to death...Bambi don't be a bitch...I'm mentally scarred because of that unicorn...

I followed the figure inside hoping not to see a rotten deer since my childhood is still so innocent...huh now that I think of it I don't remember where I was born...or cane from...weird huh?...oh well, just keep following scary man...

Scratch that, do not follow scary man, DO NOT FOLLOW SCARY MAN!.

I looked at the change of scenery, GREAT LAVA EVERYWHERE, IM IN A GOD DAMN VOLCANOE!.

I turned back but the exit suddenly disappeared. NOOOOO! Why does god punish me...oh yer I'm a bastard that's why... Maybe literally too...I don't actually know my parents either...spoooooky...

I turned back around seeing me creepy staring at something...

I approached and stood next to him and my jaw dropped, I'm guessing...this was the orb that guy was talking about...it resembled clear crystal but contained flames inside it looking a lot like a ball of fire...

As I watched it I heard a voice, a very ominous voice that had my mind screaming to wake up.

'Find all four and freedom shall be yours...' Said the voice and I looked at the orbs in confusion.

'In the forest hidden from view, a valley of water and luscious greens, a lab of new awaits for you...' The voice tells me and I stare even more confused. Ok then smeagol whatever you say...

I look at the figure and stare in shock to see Zero there staring at the orb with sorrow, he looked to be on the brink of tears...I went to reach out to him but he shocked me when he asked himself.

"Who am I?..." He asked as a single tear went down his cheek "Where did I even come from?..." He asks again as he puts the orb down and sits on the edge of the rock we're on, a little too close to the lava for my comfort.

I watched as he stared at it for awhile before jumping in and I yelled out his name in shock as I blinked then found myself staring up at the ceiling of Zeros cave.

I looked over at Zero at he sat up and I was shocked to see his body was slightly burnt...how real was that dream exactly?...

Dun Dun... DUNNNNNN THE PLOT THICKENS...keep in mind that part about Alex not remembering who his parents are or where he came from...c; insert conspiracy theories here.

Thanks for reading GOOD DAY TO YOU!

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now