Zero's Memories & Alex's Confusion

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Alex POV

Holy shit...he! I never thought I would be the gay...well guess I was because HOLY SHIT that was amazing...

I opened my eyes and stared at him while he slept, I never paused attention to his appearance hair redder than blood, green eyes like an emerald and his skin a lovely olive colour AND OHHHH GOD HIS SMILE...wait...I'm turning into a fan girl now...MY MANLINESS NOOOO, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS I WAS SO INNOCENT....

As I mourned my manliness my vision blurred, yep...I'm passing out...great...I love passing out its fun...

Zero's POV

Am I dreaming...probally...I'm in this damn tank again breathing in this liquid I seemed about, hmm...maybe...six? I think I was six when they started their...testing...

I watched the tank drain and my 'Father' approached me with his usual smirk, asshole...

Once he reached me he handcuffed me, like that would help, and escorted me to a room with water dripping from everywhere...I think I know what's happening 'Father' exited the room and the door locked...shit...

The room started filling with water and I panicked trying to will my body to turn to water but there was a small problem...I couldn't shift until I was eight...

The room kept filling and I cried out for help, I knew it was a dream but I couldn't help it...before I knew it I was drowning banging on the one way glass window until my vision went hazy I slipped into unconsciousness barely remembering the water being drained and a medical team having to get me to breathe again....

I woke up In a cold sweat, no matter how much I will myself to forget that place it still haunts me...I was born in that god damn place...I remember finding out I was planned to be an worked...kind of...I was perfect until I became insane, acting out violently....

Basically I was born by two scientists selected to make the 'perfect human' all I know about that though is...I wasn't the first to be born...others were born but were called a failure and...disposed of ... Even after I escaped they kept trying...and failing...since Alex was the 69th...that meant 68 were murdered...maybe more...

From the day I was born I was tested on, received countless injections and spent most of my life in that tank swallowing that liquid...apparently it was their way of gifting powers to their subjects...that had major downfalls....mainly insanity...hallucinations....death... Or a coma that lasts for their whole life...

Heh...I remember hearing them say they would use me in a breeding program to make more of their human weapons...guess they never planned I would develop a interest in men...I remembered this one scientist...he was kind...hated what was happening to me...

He use to take me to...private...areas and would you know...fuck...makeout... All that stuff...his name was ironically Alex as well...he was my first love...until he was killed in a lab accident...I remember my insanity only just forming pushed me further into my insanity hearing he was dead...

I looked at Alex still silently mourning for the scientist...I felt a ripple as my body shifted into water...this tended to happen when I became was when I was mad...wind and earth only came out when I wanted them to do so...

With one last look at Alex I went to the entrance and flowed down with the rest of the water, I needed a I headed for a nearby bar, did I have money? Nope.... But when your like know how to do some simple stealing....

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now