Playing With Fire

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Alex's POV

I stared in shock...wait father...I thought he would be like...genetically made or something...why has he never told be he had a father...

I felt a kind of tugging at my heart and I suddenly started feeling slightly sad...why wouldn't he tell me...he loved me right? RIGHT?...

"If you would please come this way all shall be explained..." Said Hopkins as he walked into the lab.

I followed and looked around, shocked to find one way glass that showed rooms full of males that looked a lot like Zero...and acted like him...Some screamed some exploded...literally into swarming masses of living elements trying to break free.

Is this what it was like for Zero...was his insanity for good reason...I looked around and stopped, looking at a subject and a scientist sneak in a kiss that no one else noticed...


I snapped out of my thoughts as Hopkins stopped up ahead opening a door. I hurried up to him and stepped into a room with a holographic projection of what appeared to be the cave mouth I saw in my dreams.

"This, as you probably know, is the hiding place of the fire orb. We need this orb for reasons you will be told of later, but there's a normal human can enter...our subjects either are too weak or too mentally we need you, your the only one who is strong yet not unstable..." He says, what bothers me the most...this all seems rehearsed...not as in practiced in experience in giving this speech before...

"Can you do this for us?" Hopkins asks smiling faker than a barbie doll...plastic little shits...

But...I need to know..."Why?..."

Hopkins smirks and explains making my jaw drop... I can't believe this but...I'm gonna do it...Zero forgive me...

After I was given the location of the cave I went back to Zero, being away for so long can be I walked inside I saw him sleeping and I smiled walking over and sitting on the bed stroking his hair.

"I love you...and that's why I'm about to do something stupid...I'm gonna be playing with fire..." I mumbled before laying next to him kissing his neck softly before letting myself fall asleep.

Hopkins POV

Finally...we shall be free...when my son had run away he put my plans at risk.

I tried cloning but the yells and screams throughout my lab is enough evidence to tell you I had failed. Zero was one of a kind no amount of clones could be made as perfect as him.

Although he was perfect, he was dying...his powers were killing him... Driving him to insanity faster then what would happen without his powers in this place...let's admit it...this place is hell...

I made the orbs to hold back his power before it killed my way out...again a problem the orbs needed to be placed near their elements... And now Zero has stolen then...and his them where only our subjects could venture...

But we will get them back...and Zero will be found...he will...

Dun...dun...dunnnnn... So yer good news I think I may have more than one that's cool :3

Thanks to anyone who has read my book it does mean a lot to me that people are reading this since this use to be my favourite day dream... ENJOY

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now