Well Shit

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Unknown POV

I watched from afar hidden by the trees that surrounded the so called curse waterfall, all those who came here either never came back, or came back only to be locked away in a mental hospital.

And for good reasons...Zero...a man driven to insanity...a legend among the few survivors left in this town...he was powerful, wise and let's admit it...attractive...although if anyone tried to even find him, they would fail in their search.

The longer you spent hiding from your creators, the better you are at going unnoticed...but I've found him...finally...

A man similar to Zero joined me, he was the second of us...he and his brother, One, were cloned from Zeros DNA which was put into a female scientist in hopes of recreating Zero, as we all were, he resembled Zero quite a lot the only difference being blonde hair and blue eyes...

"Found your legend yet Nineteen?" Two asked sarcastically, unlike most of us, Two didn't believe in the so called legend.

I smiled "Well since you seem so set on thinking he isn't real, you'll be surprised to know I have..." I replied leaving Two with his jaw hitting the ground.

He knows I never joke around when it comes to Zero, compared to us, he was like our god..."Really?...I mean...he's real" he asks, shocked that the man he was created to be was real.

I nodded.

"T-hats great...let's go talk to him!" He says excitedly and I feel myself go pale.

"Oh sure he totally won't kill us! He'll just give us some cookies and milk now WONT HE?!" I yelled angrily.

"Well come on...he's like our god..."

"Well I'm flattered..."Says a voice from behind us causing us to gulped hard and slowly turn around.

"Hi there" says Zero smirking evilly, "now I don't know if you know this but I don't like being spied on..." He says with glowing eyes.

"I-I I'm sorry..." I stutter out, "I just wanted to prove you were real".

I watch him smile...and he truly does deserve the title of a god the way he can make you freeze in fear.

"What's going on?" Asks another voice sleepily, I turn and see him...a man with black hair and hazel eyes which are looking at Two.

"Zero did you get a hair cut...and get it coloured...and get blue contacts?..." The man asks.

"Right here dumbass..." Says Zero as he rolls his eyes.

"Oh...well then this guy looks kinda like you" the man says rubbing his eyes while walking over to Zero and smacking his ass...WAIT WHAT?!

Zeros eyes snaps over to Two and seem to study him "he kinda does...but I'm still better looking..." Zero shrugs then hits the man in the crotch causing him to double over "that's for getting a boner looking at another man..." He says simply, ZEROS GAY?! And so shatters my heart, SHIT.

He turns to look back at us "I know your probably subjects but let me make this clear, if you ever and I mean EVER hint or tell anyone I'm here...I won't be so nice next time..." He says before something hits me in the back of my head effectively knocking me out.

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now