To The Batcave

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After Alex finished with his little tantrum we had to get out since someone, that may or may not have been me, set a small tiny little fire in a room of explosives...hey...I can't help it...ok I can but LOOK EXPLOSIONS.

"Really!? You set a FIRE in a room of EXPLOSIVES...WHY?!" Alex asked angrily as we both ran for our lives as a series of explosions went off.

"BECAUSE FUN!" I yelled and smiled my usual crazy person smile, "NOW RUN BITCH, RUN!".

"DONT CALL ME A BITCH, YOU LIL PIECE OF SHIT!" I'll call you a bitch since you'll be mine soon...

"JUST RUNNNNNN!" I said loudly as we barely made it out the entrance of the lab before everything collapsed behind us.

"Well..." I said staring at the collapsed earth where the lab once was, "that was fun..." I started to lightly chuckle.

"FUN!?" Alex asked angrily, "NO, NOT FUN. ARE YOU INSANE!?"

"Why yes...yes I am" ohhh if only he knew just how insane I was...

As Alex continued his yelling and curse words I walked through the forest back to my cave in the waterfall.

"Where are we going?" Alex asks only just stopping his yelling and 'insulting' words.

"To my cave in a waterfall..." I said as it started to rain.

"Great...I'm stuck with an insane guy who lives in the fucking Batcave..."

Ignoring him I kept walking, that I think of it...I'm kinda hurt...I turned my body to water and started absorbing the rain.

"What...the...fuck..." Said a very scared Alex as he looked at me.

I shrugged "benefits of being a subject, you get some kind of ability".

".....ok...well Mr insane water guy who thinks he's batman...lead the way" Alex looked like he was going to faint from how pale he went.

"Oh it's not just water air, earth and fire too..." I said holding back a chuckle at Alex's expression, aww poor thing, I changed back to normal once I was healed.

"Great... So I'm now stuck with the avatar whose also batman...lovely...excuse me when I pass out in the Batcave..."

I let out a laugh and saw the waterfall come into view "there it is..." I said smiling softly, my only safe place...

I looked back at Alex whose jaw was practically hitting the floor "impressed?" I asked watching him snap out of his little daze and look at me.

"N-No it's just some stupid waterfall" he said obviously lying, aw he's adorable when he lies...lets see how adorable he is in bed...wink wink...

We stopped walking just infront of the waterfall and watched as it turned to ice and shattered from halfway to the bottom as some stone steps appeared leading up to the cave, I started climbing the stairs with Alex following soon after.

As we entered he looked at my bed, it was a simple mattress with some warm blankets and wood that I force to grow in its current shape to hold the mattress off the floor yet still be comfortable...and comfy...

"Remember how I said I was gonna collapse in the Batcave.... I meant it" he said as he walked over to my bed and gracefully (sarcasm) collapsed on it.

Aw...he's so cute when he sleep....I climbed in next to him looking at him as he lay sleeping then slowly leaned in and pressed my lips against his, it made me happier than I've been in a while...and I know it cliche but...I felt...tingly... I was happy chaos and destruction needed...before this all started only then could I feel happiness...I kisses him again then lay next to him, watching until I fell asleep unaware he was awake for both kisses.

Woop Woop I got some views AMAZING thank you to the one person who ended up voting this story up :3

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