It Wasn't Me...

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Alex's POV

Little shit...HE TOTALLY COCK BLOCKED ME BACK THERE!...and not the good kind...

We currently were walking into the nearby town and as we did...I swear every set of eyes went to Zeros ass or mine...although even I was staring at his ass...


I learned in close to his ear and whisper seductively "Mine..." I spanked his ass with a loud smack and kissed his neck earning a moan and a eye roll...along with afew stares.

I smiled, victory is mine...

As we walked I notice a crowd gathering around a scorched building that I believe use to be the bar.

I walked towards it dragging Zero with me and asked a 17 year old looking girl "How the hell did this place burn down?".

The girl turned and gapped, looking me up and down almost drooling before replying "They say some arsonist did it, but some crazy guy said he saw a man made of fire do it while also robbing it...also I'm Katey, wanna go out? Im free tonight..." She asked as I was trying to stop myself gagging at her flirting.

"No thanks Katey, because my little boyfriend here is about ready to strangle you..." I said looking at Zero who was scaring with a murderous look in his eyes.

Katey winced "please don't joke about that my friend was choked by some kind of vine, they say it it was alive...".

I looked over at Zero and raised an eyebrow, wow...

We walked away to a more secluded part of town "Really?" I asked Zero.

He dramatically gasped and put a hand over his heart "You're accusing me of those horrible crimes? I would never..."

I grabbed him around the waist " Oh really?, vines moving on their own...a man made of fire...and the fact there's a newspaper with the head line 'Man Drowned By Water Creature'" I said staring at a newspaper on the floor with a nice picture of a small lake surround by police..."So all of that is just some crazy coincidense?".

I stared at him and he stared at me "Yup..." He simply said before walking towards a large mall "now come on WE HAVE FOOD TO BUY!".

I rolled my eyes following him.


I stopped and looked at him wiping away some fake tears and sniffling "That hurts..." I said trying to sound as sad as possible.

Zero laughed then came up to me "Awww poor baby, tell you what if you be a good boy, I'll give you a blowjob..." He whispered then licked my lips...

"...I accept your offerer...also instead of stealing all the time how about I get a job to earn money for food?" I asked since I wasn't the biggest fan of crime, forgetting Zeros phyco killing aside...

Zero stared at me for awhile "And what would you work as?" He asked trailing a hand down my chest and leaning up to kiss me.

I smiled "My old job as a doctor..." I replied watching for Zeros reaction.

"A doctor?" Zero asks raising an eyebrow.

I nodded

"Wow standards really are shit these days..." He says and walks off.

"FUCK YOU" I yelled, I'm never going to understand that man...

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now