Doctor Kiss Ass

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                       Alex's POV

First days can be hard...but since I've had plenty experience as a doctor I coped just fine with it, I've done one surgery already and already so other gay doctor has been trying to get In my pants by being a kiss ass, no one likes a kiss ass...unless your alone and horny...then maybe...

I was sitting around in the staff room they had, sipping on a coffee until my favourite person ever came along...could you sense my sarcasm...probably...

"Hi Dr.Woods" said another doctor who bit his lip trying to look sexual, " I was wondering if you might wanna come over my place, I need to learn abit more on the reproductive organs..." Oh god was he being serious right now?...

I raised an eyebrow "You have a laptop, go research it on that" I replied, I'm fed up with this...

"That wasn't what I meant" he said with a wink. BLEH

"And that wasn't what I told you to search..." I said getting irritated.

The Dr looks confused at first and blushes red " were a porn star?..."....



Are you fucking serious...

"No" I replied staring at him.

"Oh..." He replies turning red, "well you totally could be one, your pretty sexy..." He leans in trying to go in for a kiss...I hate my life...

I leaned out of the way "Listen here Dr. Kiss ass, I'm happily taken, ok? Go. Away" I explained slowly.


"So, stop trying to get into my pants" I said angrily feeling hotter, YES MAKE ME ANGRIER SO I CAN TURN YOU INTO CHARCOAL!.

"Fine...for now..." He says with a wink before walking away...GAAAAHHHH!

                    Zero's POV

I had to hold back a chuckle as Alex stormed in yelling something about 'Dr Kiss ass'.

He came up to me pushing me down onto the bed and passionately kissing me then taking my clothes off.

"Someone's abit horny" I said moaning as he began sucking on my neck.

"I'm pissed..." He growled.

"So anger sex Hm? I'm fine with that" I said and I gasped as he grabbed my erection. This was going to be fun

Wow...3 rounds...New world record folks...

I snuggled up to Alex as we both panted and gasped for air.

" was work?" I gasped out.

I heard Alex groan "That good huh?" I said kissing his chest.

"Totally, some kiss ass Dr followed me around all day and even asked me to come to his house to learn more about reproductive organs..." He groaned out.

I burst out laughing "WHAT?!" I asked struggling to breath as I laughed harder than ever.

"I thought you would be threatening to kill him for flirting with me but ok then..." He mumbled.

"Oh I am gonna kill him..." I said smiling "but his pick up lines are just amazing..."

"Also I stole some food for until you get paid..." I said as he glared at me "What?...crazy man gotta eat...".

Subject Zero (boyxboy) (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now