chapter 4

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We pull into a parking lot that isn't very packed. I'm now wearing one of mothers over sized shirts, with a belt. Witch on me looks a dress, we walk in to find two floors filled with people and stores. I sniff the air.
"I reeks of vanilla mother." She pulls out a pill bottle from her purse and hands me two purple pills with the "code" 4v2c stamped in. "Your dad told me to give you this. It will block your nose to well their sents." I swallow both and and sniff again, all I smell is human food coming from every direction.
"I'll be back at 2:30 to pick you up."
:your leaving me?"
"Well I have to pay some things and u have some shopping."
"I have a tracker in your phone so I know where you are." She hands me a purse with stacks of money and a pink phone. "Try to send it all today ok." "But..." "you'll be fine if you see something you want then buy it." "At 2:30 be at the food court it's over there." "She points to the left and see people sitting and eating." She's gone.
As I start walking I notice people staring in my direction. What are they looking at? A few girls rolled their eyes at me as I walked past them, while others would give me nice comments on my eyes and hair, a few actually winked at me. As for the boys they would look and stare while their friends stared to. One guy actually gave me a sign and winked as well. Although the blond girl sitting on his lap didn't look so happy, and slapped his head.
For at least 3 hours I spent almost all my money, was caring hundreds of bags and only went to like 5 stores. 2:25. I follow the direction of where the food is coming from and find mother sitting down drinking a smoothie waiting for me.
In the car mother asks,"How much money do you have left?"
"Around 150."
"Why dint you spend it?" Ok now I feel awkward. "Because I thought I had enough." Instead of taking a right to the house mother takes a u-turn and heads for the shopping center to spend the rest of the money. At home me and mother Carrie the bags up to my room, it only takes at least 4 trips. I open my closet door to see my first column was filled with school uniforms and in the dower was different shades of bras and panties. The uniform was white collar shirts, short high waisted black skirts and in the dower under that was roles of black ties. I looked up at the highest shelf to see a good amount of white butler jackets. I walk down the hallway to see that all of the other columns were empty. I walk back to my main room with mother. We organized my clothes by different shirt, pants, and a few skirt styles. Looking at it though I realized I really only bought white, grey, black, and red colors of clothing. Once everything was put away me and mother lay down on my bed.
"What do you and father do for a living?" "Your fathers a doctor and I'm a lawyer." "That's why you guys have good money. " "Yep, we also live somewhere nice." "You bought me uniform why?" "You start school tomorrow." "So soon?" I'm upright looking at her staring at the ceiling. "Father says it will be helpful."
"Oh.." I don't want to argue, well I do but I choose not to for now.
After a bit mother left and I explored my closet. It was so big, a whole room filled with just cloths. I walk up to the column with my uniforms they weren't bad looking they are kinda formal I guess u could say. Under the column there were a couple of dowers. In them thigh high socks just plain black and white.
I walk over to my pajamas and put on my silver silk robe with the letters M.l sewn in. The letters stand for my name, Memorie Lackbrook. Mother said auntie Selie made it and will be back in town soon.
Auntie Selie is a wedding planner, and I guess a famous one at that. Mother said she's out of town a lot.
I'm at my bookshelf about to pick a book when I hear a knock. "Come in." The door opens and I see a pale man with jet-black hair and brown eyes wearing a butler suite looking at me hopefully. He clears his through and talks, "Lady Memorie dinners ready." So formal, it's kinda uncomfortable. My head starts to throb at his voice, I see the same man looking under the couch while I'm under a table, "Where are u Memorie? " his voice is so playful. I blink rapidly and looked back up at...Jace. "Jace?" His stern face quickly grows into a smile. He runs up and hugs me. "I missed u so much Mem."
I hug back.
In the dinning room mother and father sit across from each other while I sit at the head of the table. We're having steak mine and fathers rare, mothers not so much. Half way through our silent I finally ask, "Why arnt you guys home schooling me anymore and why so soon?" "Because as much as we want to, you need to get used to humans and their way of life." Mother stays quite as though she object to the thought of me leaving. "Danile why can't Jace-" "we discussed this." Father's voice still steady, I don't think iv ever heard him raise his voice or ever will, just a feeling. "Starting school sounds scary."
"Your starting high school and besides ur above ur grade level it will be a breeze." "Ok?" My voice questionable. "Clarisa, tell Memorie how it'll work." "Ok dear-" her voice sarcastic, " in the morning you will get dressed then_" "At school, the routine at school." "Oh yes," She clears her throat. "You will take only two polled every few days, and during passing you will have a water bottle filled with blood, so you can eat whenever you have the urge, at lunch however there is a forest beyond the school gate if you're ever still hungry try to hunt an animal but be sure to be far from the school." "One more thing there's a friend of mine there, Mr . Montgomery, if you have any thirst or ability misfortunes go to him."
The talk and dinner was over, I lay in bed wondering about my new and first school. Mother says she'll drop me off and I walk home. It seams so fast.within 48 hours iv been locked up saved, shopping and now going to school filled with humans. Father claims there won't be any night walkers.
I learned that word just today, apparently a night walker is a supernatural being. For example vampire, werewolf, fairy, angels, and so on. Me however, no one's considers a hybrid a night walker, night walkers are common and in fathers words " very believable. " Nope I'm called an S-class. I am what is called a rare bread of "Monsters". After that history lesson I asked a question I should have asked long ago. "Am I safe now?" Mother hold my hand and nods her head yes. Yet that didn't ease my small doubt. i guess i'll just have to find out.

Pic: Memorie's uniform

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