chapter 6

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  Im starving, unfortunately Alice had to make up a test. The lunchroom was filled with students. I walk outside onto the blacktop which is just filled with tables and beyond that a fence separating the school from the woods.
   I sit down at a table in the far side where i can drink my meal in peace. Half way through a group of boys wearing their uniform a bit, well wrong, approaches me. One of the boys then sits across from me while the others stayed standing, all eyes on me.
  I pick up my water bottle and finish my meal, ignoring the fact that im being watched. The one sitting grows a smile, then clears his throat. "Yes." "Your not human." Dont show any sign of nervousness. "Your reason for that claim." "Your smell its a mixture of......fruits" "thats my shampoo." "Stop fucking with me." "Im not 'fucking' with you in anyway possible, im stating a fact." "Then why aren't you dazzled by my looks" I then take a more concentrated look at the unidentified. His hair jet black a little messy. Green eyes, a little to green. Cheekbones sucken in. I then start looking at the way he wears his uniform, his shirt barley bottened up halfway, still revealing a lil to much pale skin for a school ground. His tie is on and folded but not up to his neck. Hes not wearing a jacket just different bracelets on each arm.
"Now are you dazzled. "Others may be attracted to you're exterior, but not me." "Your hair?" "What about it." "Is it real." "My hair is real, my color is natural." "How about ur eyes." They are a natural color as well, now if you excuse me im going to go now." Im walking away not looking back, but i can still feel his stares.
   Once im out if sight i head for the woods. It doesnt take long for me to be far into the woods. I stand still closing my eyes and listen. Crack. I run to the left, i stop, it should have been this far out. I put my back against a tree and breath. 1, 2, 3. I open my eyes to see the boy from earlier pinning me up against the uncomfortable bark. "Vampire." He smiles showing off his own fangs. A little laugh escapes me. "Wrong." I grab his shoulders and turn now the positions are reversed. I catch him off guard, good. His eyes widen. "Hybrid." I let go and run back to school in 3 minutes time.
  After lunch was English, no Alice in sight. I take my seat in the front, once the first bell rings the group of boys from lunch walk in, the same one from the woods spots me right away and smiles, then they all take the seats in the back. I could feel their eyes on me, so hes a vampire noted, and the rest? Most likely the same.
   The bell rings and i stay behind finishing up my notes. When the boy that sat behind me comes to my desk. "Are you new to town." "I was acually-" "Hey ken barbies looking for you." The boy from earlier puts his hand on him, he leaves. "Hey fruit punch." "Its Memorie Lackbrook not fruit punch, though your brain does convert things very simple to your liking." "Sorry." "Its not bad just an observation i made." "Well im Pip Lowell, vampire." He holds out his hand, i accept. "Hybrid." "So Memorie whats your situation." "Excuse me." "Your parents," he jumps on the desk next to me. "Personally im a half blood, one vampire mom, one human dad. Killer mix dont you think." He smiles showing off his fangs. "Killer is someone who-" "he walks up to me and puts one finger on my lips. "Your very literal." "So i have heard." "Stand up." "What?." "Just do it." I stand up and he holds my shoulders, he looks into my eyes. Within a blink he has red blood shot eyes and ghostly white hair, i back into the wall. "Your not feeding on me." He looks confused then quickly recovers to a know-it-all. "You only turn when your hungry." "Dont we all?" "Nope." He comes closer. "Then when do u turn." He leans in and whispers, "That my dear us a story for another time." He backs away and leaves.
   French was next and i walk in noticing Alice sitting next to Hellen looking annoyed. I look the class over noticing Pip, with one of his buddies. I finally notice the teacher walking towards me. "Bonjour, j'mappelle Memorie Lackbrook où devrais-je m'asseoir." A smile grows on the teachers face. All i did was ask where to sit, and my name. "Bonjour Memorie J'mappelle Ms. Schreider, vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où." Sit anywhere she said, yet theres only one desk open. I end up sitting in the back next to a fairly tan boy with blond hair, and light brown eyes. "Hi im Zack." "Memorie." "Yeah i know." I turn to face him. "I have you first period, i sit across the room so i doubt you saw me." "Oh, what does a person say in this situation." He lets out a laugh, "im not sure, you speak french?" "A little bit." Well now im fluent.
    The rest of class Zack would make a joke or ask me questions about myself. "Do u have a nickname." The last question question made me think do I have a nickname? "I don't have one." "well then I'll make one up." he stares at me then he lights up like a light bulb. " Memi." My eyes widen, i can feel myself turning. I look over at Zack whos staring, eyes wide. "Memi?" "Dont call me that!" Everyone turn and faces me. Flashbacks start coming if a little boy. "Ollie." I can feel my eyes start watering. "Why did y hurt me memi." Im sorry. "Im so sorry." "MEMORIE." My flashback fade and in back in the class room Alice in front of me worried. I look around to see everyone sleeping. "What happened?" "Its ok now, i put a memory spell on them." "A memory sp-" i then realized the hands holding me up straight, i turn to see Pip. "Dont be afraid i know what you are." I turn to see Alice she doesn't seem different, yet shes a spell caster. "Will The spell hurt them?" "It won't this is just to block the memory well-"  "you having a mental breakdown" Pip finishes. "why aren't you sleeping?"  "because." I turn around now feeling a tug-of-war vibe from the situation "he's not human and I know he knows who you are." "How do you-" "I saw you two in the woods at lunch, while i was practicing spells." "How come i didnt see it hear u?" "You did actually, i made a tree branch break and put a protection barrier around me so u wouldnt see me." Pip looks at Alice scared, maybe terrified, but why, of her? "Now sit down while i wake them up." We go back to our seats, Alice mumbles a chant and everythings back to normal, nothing happened. Why did i freak out like that? The bell rings and im back at my locker.
   I close my locker and see Alice holding her books up close to her chest. "Im sorry." "I dont see why, we both hid our DNA from eachother due to morals and night walker laws, so were not in anyones fault." "But, your not considered a night walker." "But both my parents are so technically i am, but no im not." She looks down, her feet are shifting. "Look im not mad you dont need to be sorry or upset." She looks up and her arm wrap around me, i hug back.                                  Last class of the day was a free period all i did was read and finish my notes, wondering about what happened in french, just like that class flew by. I was supposed to walk home today, instead of walking along the side walk i went into the woods if i run i would be home faster. "Memorie!" I turn around to find Pip far behind me, within seconds we're face to face. "Your fast." "Thank you for the compliment." "Its just an observation." "Or maybe your just slow." I lift my hand for a hit, he blocks and smiles. I smile back, i jump up landing behind him before he turns around i kick him to the ground. I climb over him and flip him making him face me. "Look at that your the one slow." I start to climb off, he then pulls me back down. "Now what." "Nothing i just like your eyes." I hear something coming from him, i lean my head down and hear....a heart beating. "I hear your heart." "Well im alive aren't i." "But your dead." "Im alive till im fully developed in skill mentally, when i am thats when i wont age and my heart will stop beating." "Is that the process of a half blood vampire." "Yes it is." How long does it take till your developed?" He lets out a little chuckle. "I'm not sure, my mom told me when i stop being a kid and grow up." "But, technically your already grown up so-" She doesn't mean it that way." I get up and wipe my cloths clean from dirt. "Get up your going to ruin your white shirt." "And..." "and its white and will be hard to clean." Hes up. "Now im going to go home." "Ill see you tomorrow." "Yes you will." He runs off to the left me straight forward.  

Pic: Pip Lowell

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