chapter 12

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Friday night i was alone again, so much for hanging out with the family. I'm not sure if it was because i was scared or if i was bored, either way i decided to read in my own magical forest. Being there made it easier to breath in a way. Once i was done i leave my own perfect world. The word perfect comes in many meanings, one being someone's ideal, beyond their standards, and that little pretend, fake, unreal world i created in my mind is in fact perfect.

I lay in bed listening to classical music that's playing on a small blue iPod hooked up to some speakers, Jace set this all up for me and showed me how to work it before he went home for the day, whenever my parents have to work all day, or in this case all night, he goes home to have some alone time i presume, i get that feeling. Tap tap tap. I look at my window to see small rocks being thrown at my window. I walk over to, open it and look down to see the little vampire gang, and my witch, all looking up. "Memorie come down here!" Ricky's shouting is hurting my ears. "Come on Love it's going to be iconic." Eleanor is basically hanging all over Drex, making her seem a little out there, even for her. "Come down here or let us up." Pip's yells are quieter then the rest of them. "I'll be right there.' I don't yell but i know they can hear me. I run downstairs and open my door to my surprise visitor's. Looking at the boys outfits is not to different from how they wear their uniforms. Drex is wearing a red beanie to match his baggy jeans, with his white muscle shirt showing his tatted arms. Phil is wearing the same outfit but with black pants to match his beanie, and a large chest tattoo. When he lights up a cigarette it adds to his look. I didn't know he smokes. "You know those things can kill you and give you cancer." He takes a puff and blows it in my face, "Good thing i'm dead." Pip is wearing a black button up, which is not even buttoned showing off his pale nicely built upper body, and skinny black jeans. Ricky is wearing a shirt just like Pip, as well as wearing a pair of what looks like some white golf shorts, that's a statement. My eyes moves to August and Alice, he's wearing an all white outfit, skinny jeans and a button up shirt, his is actually buttoned. Alice on the other hand has on a fluffy hot pink skirt and a black spaghetti strap her hair giving off a cute 80's vibe with all the curls. I have to search a little for Eleanor, she was by a tree. She's wearing an all white outfit just like her brother,  but she's wearing a skirt just like Alice. They are all wearing glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces making them stand out in the dark night. "What are you wearing, hurry and change." Phil's statement makes me rethink my clothing of choice, a wrinkled plain white T-shirt with some black basketball shorts with a red stain from my food earlier. "I don't recall saying i was going to the party with you all." Eleanor runs to me and places her arm over my shoulders. '"Well I'm saying you are, now boys wait her while me and the lil witch help her out." Alice walks right in as do i, Eleanor waits for an invite. "You can come in Eleanor." I made sure to add her name at the end just in case.

I show them upstairs to my room and sit on my bed while i point them towards my closet. 'Your house is so pretty." Alice is in awe even before she opened the closet door. "I can live in here!" her voice is full of excitement as she wonders around running her hands across my cloths and picking up some shoes on  the shelves. Eleanor is sitting down on my white leather stool looking at herself in the full length mirror across from her. "This is a nice place." "Eleanor are you alright you're acting a little odd." Instead of her answering Alice does as she is now going threw my cloths. "She had herself a few drinks earlier, don't think anything from it she's fine." I jump off my bed and run downstairs to get some water for Eleanor, i make sure not to spill any was i bring it upstairs. I hand it to  Eleanor and lie saying it was more alcohol so she'd drink it. Luckily she couldn't tell the difference.  "Stand up i got a few options." i find Alice in the dress section , mother and auntie Selie have gone out shopping for me the other day by themselves getting me cloth i wouldn't have picked myself. I usually like casual and plain colors, some of the things they got me i haven't even seen yet. Alice only has dresses in her hand, not limited to color or style. "Who ever picked these out for you has taste." "That's right, who did pick these for you love?" Eleanor decided to join us. "My auntie and mother did." Alice holds up the dress to me only for a second, her and Eleanor shaking their had. 'You said these were good, why are you two shaking your heads?" Alice goes to the next column of dresses to look for more options. "It's not their not wearable, it's if they will be acceptable in the club." Alice then adds on to Eleanor's answer, "Exactly like they have a certain way of dressing there." "Who's they." In unison they both answer. "The night walkers." Alice comes back and holds it up, they both smile with approval. They hand it to me and close the closet as they walk out giving me privacy to change.

"You can come back in." They open the door and smile. "I'll get accessories." Alice is off again, Eleanor turns me around to the mirror. The dress is black and skin tight showing off my figure. There are no sleeves, only a ribbon attached to the front v line, tied at the back of my neck. The dress doesn't show off to much cleavage, but ends right above my knee giving me a feeling of doubt about me wearing it. Alice comes back with some black flats with a long string that wraps around 1/3 of my leg then tied at where it stops. Eleanor does my hair in messy curls, as she called them, as Alice is putting on a little bit of lip gloss and mascara and a long black chain as a necklace, The chain is Eleanor's and the makeup is Alice's. When they finish they turn me to the mirror again. The girl looking at me is the same person yet different. I'm not sure how i feel about the makeup. "You look great, now it's time to go they open at eight." It's seven thirty now. They drag me downstairs and out the door, i make sure to leave a note to my parents letting them know where i'm going and with who as well as  Alice's phone number.

We walk out the door to see the boys messing around with each other, once they see us they compose themselves. I'm behind Alice and Eleanor, Pip starts to speak, "Memorie, come out don't be shy i won't bite." Him as well as the boys laugh. The girls step aside as i walk forward, the boys stop laughing and stare. Ricky talks first with a simple ,"Whoa." Phil agrees with a simple nod. Alice is looking at August daring him to make a comment with her eyes, he doesn't walk walks to her. Eleanor is back with Drex. Pip walks to Eleanor and whispers something in her ear, she pulls out a small towelette and hands it to him. He turns to me, a second later we're face to face. "Close your eyes." I do as i'm told without a thought. He then whips my face as gently as he could. "Open." I see the towelette covered with the makeup that was on me, my face feels much better. He places the dirty towelette  in his pocket, he then leans forward a bit and pulls down my dress as much as he can. Once he's straight up i decide to button his shirt, leaving the top three unbuttoned. He smiles looking at the floor and we all start walking away from my house.

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