Chapter 9

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We walk into class and Pip sets my backpack on my desk, Alice takes the seat on my left, when the bell rings. "Your going to be late for class." He smiles and starts to walk away. "Worth it." hes gone.

Alice's eyebrows are high up making her eyes seam wider. What's she thinking? "So he's walking you to class now?" "He's probably just worried from what happened yesterday and what's the big deal if he decided to walk me to my class, witch is on the same floor as his class." She does a soft laugh under her breath. "I know you're new to the whole 'average teen'  lifestyle, but when a guy walks you to class he has an intention." I take a seat and make sure i have a confused look on my face hoping she will continue to talk, but she doesn't. "i am making this expression so you will explain." She looks at her desk and she smiles with her face full of amusement. "I know you are, and i would rather you to find out on you own." Her voice gets quieter at the end of that sentence. "Your own confused, literal self." Her voice stays quiet and her smile gets bigger, showing of a faint dimple on the right side of her face.

Alice and i are walking out of the girls locker room ready for lunch when Pip and his group of friends are waiting for us in the hallway. Pip walks closer to me us while the rest stay behind. "How long does it take for you to get dressed?" "It was my fault." Alice says in a soft voice, Pip turns his head towards her, then back to me. "Come have lunch with us." "Us?" "My friends." I look behind him and basically see different versions of Pip, all wearing their uniforms the same way, probably all vampires. The one with white hair is looking over at us. "I personally don't care if i have lunch with these boys, but if Alice doesn't then i won't either." I turn to look at Alice and see her staring at one the four boys standing behind Pip. "Umm i don't care." Pip claps his hand together and smiles. "It's decided then you're coming with us." He turns and walks towards his friends with Alice walking behind him. It takes me a second to start walking with them. Ricky walks up to me and places his arm over my arm. "Awe did you miss me." "No, i don't know you well enough to have any mutual feelings of missing , or loving you in anyway." He rolls his eyes again. "It was s joke." "Jokes are meant to be funny not confusing or not practical to my feelings." He removes his arm from my shoulders and sighs, I then hear a small laugh escape Pip, i don't mention it. Why is he laughing? 

The boys passed threw the cafeteria as like they owned everyone and everything, and in a way they did. I'm not sure how i see myself with these mortals, above, below, superior, a flaw? I step back a few steps from the group to watch the vamps walk, they move in a swift motion, it's like something from a movie, their in the spot light, all eyes on them. Just by the look of them supernatural or not anyone can tell they are the owners of whatever is in their reach. Pip in front leading the whole group, the king of these devils, probably the most diabolic of them all.  Alice can join the image no problem. The witch stands in the middle with the boys as body guards and she the precious jewel.  She moves with grace, her innocent vibe making her seam like an angel. Pip stops and turns around to me, they all stop. "Walk near me, come on." He walks to me, grabs my arm and pulls me to the front with him. I guess i'm part of this group, i'm not sure of my role in this. We are in front with the rest following us.

We find a table at the far end of the court yard where we can all fit. The boys fed in the morning so they didn't feel like hunting, Alice brought herself a salad. Me and Pip sit next to each other with Alice on my left, next to her Ricky. "So me and Memorie know Ricky and Pip, but who are you three?" Alice points at the three vamps between Ricky and Pip at our rounded table as she stuffs her mouth with a giant bit of lettuce. The boy next to Rickey starts to talk. "I'm Phil." He runs his fingers threw his brown hair and looks at me with his icy blue eyes. "Seventeen and recently came from England, nice to meet you girls." He has a thick english accent. He turns his head to the guy next to him. The one with all the tattoos. A small piece of his brown hair falls in front of his face when me looks from me to Alice, he decides not to move it. "I'm Drex, as you see i love tattoos especially when a spell caster does them." He winks at Alice, she looks unamused. I move my eyes to the last one to be introduced. The one with the ghostly white hair. My eyes look into his grey shallow eyes, he's staring at Alice, in a way that makes her try and hid her face, but keep peeking at him threw her hair.  "August, and why are you hanging out with a bunch of vampires and not with your friends?" Alice looks at him with a small blush on her face, "I don't really have friends." He leans in with a confused look on his face. "Now how does a cute girl like you not have friends?" Even with his sweet remark to Alice, he seams more dead than the rest of us. When he says his response his nose ring moved a bit, it's threw his cartilage. "He has a sister her names Blair, you'll meet her tomorrow." Pip joins in. Looking around everyone here is beautiful to look at. All so similar, yet so different. 

"Ricky!" We all turn to see Hellen walking towards us in a quick motion. "Looks like your one and done wants more." Drex's comment makes everyone chuckle, even August, showing off a small diamond in his left fang. "Shut the hell up, gah barbie better make this quick." Hellen walks up by herself, but her little posy is ten feet away looking over at us. Hellen spots me and Alice and rolls her eyes. "Hi Ricky." She smiles at him, he smiles back, but not in the same way. "Hi Hellen, what do you want." She looks distraught, but just for a splint second before recovering. "I wanted to talk to private." She walks to the left, Ricky follows. Then go away out of earshot, or so she thinks. I see their lips moving but i don't zoom in, due to their privacy. "Can you hear them."Alice whispers, in my ear. "I could if i wanted to , but due to their privacy i decide not to." Alice looks at me and sighs. I look over at them, Hellen raises her hand to slap Ricky he catches it and laughs, angrily she walks away, Ricky walks back to us. "What did barbie want from you ken?" Ricky softly hits Drex in the back of the head before sitting down next to Alice. "She was asking when i was going to ask her to the winter ball." Pip raises his eyebrows. "Does she not know about your rep or did she just ignored it?" Ricky shakes his head . "Who knows."

Me and Pip are walking to french alone when a question creeps into my mind. "Is August flirty with all the girls?" "No, he actually isn't that's more Drex." "Then why is he flirty with Alice?" Pip lets out a small laugh. "He made that comment because he's always liked her." "They didn't just meet today?" "Well, he's always noticed her, she's just noticing him." "Why does he seam more..dead then the rest of you?" He Turns and looks at me with his once playful expression gone. "Well, you know we're all vamps, but that's not it, we're also a family." "What do you mean by family." "Family doesn't just mean mommy and daddy, it means being their for each other no matter what and loving each other, and it can also mean sharing a creator." "A creator?" "The one that turned a mortal to a vamp, not a real vampire but a knock off." "You say you care about them, but you speak of them like a freak of nature, and you all share a creator?" "I'm telling you how society see's them and i don't just care i love them, and they share a" I stop in my tracks and watch him stare at me. "That piece of information does not answer my original question about August." He drops his head to his chest to hid his face. "August is the one who had a good reason to change, he was dying of heart cancer, so i changed him, his sister and brother had the same condition, remember this was the young years of the wold, nothing to help treat them. With August's new power he took it upon himself to change his brother without any idea how, when i found them his brother was drained out, he didn't know, and kept drinking."My mouth is open in awe, i feel the heartbreak for him. "Then who changed his sister?" He lifts his head up and looks at me in my eyes. "I did." "If this was so long ago then why is he still upset about something that happened out of his control?" He looks at me for a moment before speaking, "Who's Ollie?"He doesn't want an answer, he's just making a point. He's right. That question made me understand.

Pic: The vamp boys

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