chapter 15

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"Miss Memorie." First thing i wake up to is my name. I open my eye's to see Jace hovered over me. I turn to see the time, it's only five. "Yes Jace, what seams to be the problem." I'm to busy  stretching, groaning and rubbing my eyes to fully care about what's happening at the moment. "I was cleaning your room and your parents know that a male stayed over last night?" Why did he feel the need to add the word male in his sentence. I look over at my window seat to see Pip still wrapped up in my blanket sleeping. "No, and what seams to be the problem, weren't they the ones that wanted me to interact with people? Oh and thank you for cleaning." He lets out a hard breath, "You're welcome. The thing is that with males-." "That's alright Jace, i'll handle this, Memorie a word please." I turn to see mother standing in the doorway. I Get out of bed and follow her downstairs to the dinning room. Mother sits down with me across from her. "Where's father?" "He's at work, now honey, about the guy in your room.." Where is she trying to go with this? "Yes and his names Pip." She starts fidgeting in her seat. "Well when a guy and a girl are interested in each other-"  "I'm not interested in him." I know where she's trying to get to, I'm just trying to get this over with so she doesn't feel so awkward. "You're not?" Well not in the way she's thinking i'm sure. "No mother, and he's not interested in me either, he's just a friend that needed a place to stay for tonight." She looks revealed so i'm guessing no more talk. "Okay but still baby i mean we should still talk about this." I spoke to soon. "Mother i know about sex." Her face is in shock, i forgot auntie Selie didn't tell her she taught me that.  "Oh, um well a-and you know the dangers of having a physical relationship even though you don't have a period." She's talking about this as if i don't already know this. Even if i didn't i'm taking sex ed in the second semester. "Yes, mother i do."She lets out a breath. "Alright then, do you and..Pip want some breakfast?" "I'll have some bacon and sausage." That happen sometimes, i crave human food, mostly meat, i get it from mother. Mother heads for the kitchen while i go to my room.

 I walk in seeing Pip going threw my books. I close the door as i start talking. "How did you sleep?" He turns around holding Romeo and Juliet, turned to the page i bookmarked, their first encounter.  "That window seat is surprisingly the best bed i'v ever slept in." "That can't be right depending on how many beds you've slept in threw out your life-" He sets my book down and runs to me putting a finger to my mouth shutting me up. "I was being sarcastic dummy." Me and him stare at each other intensely before he goes back to the book. "I'm not a dummy, i have a GPA of 5.0" I mumble my comeback. I know he still hears me from this small giggle. "Smart cookie." "So i'm not fruit punch anymore?" "Can't you have multiple nicknames." He sets my book back on my shelf and starts folding the blanket, i sit on my bed. "Aren't you going to fix your bed?" "I like a messy bed, and i'm going to mess it up again anyway." He places the folded blanket on the seat as he's rearranging the pillows the way they used to be. he then walks up to me, "Get up and sit over there." I move my way to the window seat being careful not to ruin Pip's work. I'm watching him as he starts fixing my bed. "Are you a neat freak?" The question wasn't meant to be said out loud. "I wouldn't necessarily say freak." I have the sudden urge to test out just how exactly clean he needs things to be. I won't act on the feeling, not yet anyway. He finishes making my bed and decides to sit across from me. "So why did you decide to bookmark Romeo and Juliet?" "I bookmark my favorite scenes in every book i read." "Why is that?" "Well what if i'm bored and i want to re-read mt favorite part, instead of searching for the page, it's right there."

 There's a knock at the door shutting us up. "Miss Memorie, i have breakfast." "Come in Jace." Jace walks in with a tray carrying my food and two glasses full of blood. Jace places the tray between me and Pip. Jace then stands up straight. Is he trying to show off oh my god he's to much, the second a guest is over he's acting all proper. "Anything else Miss Memorie, and Mr. Pip?" I'll play along. "No that will be all Jace thank you." He does a little bow adding to the skit. Once he closes the door Pip is all laughs. "You have a human as your servant?" "No he's not a servant first of all, he's a butler and a family friend, and second-" I take a quick sip of blood. "He's an angel, not a human." He decides to eat one of my sausages. "How is an angel a family friend?" 

"In 1830 mother and father decided to get married, but due to the fact she's a werewolf and doesn't live forever, they visited a witch to see if a spell can be placed on her, the spell was called," He decides to finish my sentence. "Aiónia zoí. Meaning." It's my turn to finish his. "Meaning everlasting life in Greek. It was the perfect spell, she will be able to live forever without any of her abilities or wolf form changing." "But?" "But for her life to continue, she would have to take a life by giving them a potion. Mother didn't want to just take someones life, so Jace, who had grown up with her, offered. Mother didn't take his offer so he drank it by himself. The potion made it so that he wasn't able to enter heaven or hell, so he stayed with us instead." Pip eats another one of my sausages, that's fine i have my bacon, i like it better anyway. "Did he ever love her?" I never thought of that, she never told me anything about him loving her or her loving him. "What makes you think he loved her?" "What is it called when you care for someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want even if it destroys you, wanting to see them have their dreams come true even if you're not part of that dream, it's love." "But she didn't love him." "Sometimes love isn't mutual." He raises his eyebrows as he starts drinking his meal. "It sounds like you know a lot about love." He finishes drinking. "I know about it, but i haven't experienced it yet." "How will you know if you have loved someone?" He grabs my hand and places it over is beating heart, it seams like it's beating slower since the last time i felt it. "Can you guess what the last thing that needs to happen to me for this heart to stop beating is?" I stay quiet, but he answers anyway. "To find mind blowing, heart stopping love." "Is that a good thing." "If she can make this heart stop, i'll go to the ends of the earth to make her smile and besides if she doesn't scare the hell out of me even a little she's not the one." My hand slips out of his grasp. He's talking about her like she's already in his life, whoever it is should feel the same way he's already feeling about her. Why does that thought make my chest tighten? "What would happen to you if you fell in love?" What would happen to me, "Besides someone having the ability to break every ounce of my being, or to make my heart stop beating?" "Yes besides those things." "I'm not sure." I raise a piece of bacon to my mouth, but before it i can bite it he does instead, and gives me a smile.

"When do you plan on going home?" I say once we're done eating. "Kicking me out already i see." He holds his chest as if wounded. "No that's not what i meant, i was just asking." "I know I was kidding." Oh. "Well since i'm here do you want to start your fighting lessons?" My reading can wait. "Alright, but do you have any cloths for it?"He looks down his half naked body. "I can wear this, unless princess doesn't want these to get dirty."Those sweat pants are to big for me, Pip has to be about 6'1 at least, and i'm only 5'6, i'm probably never going to wear them. "I don't care if they get dirty, just give me a little time to change i'll be outside in three." He gets up and walks out my room, closing the door behind him. I go to my closet to fine myself a sports bra and some basketball shorts so i can move freely. Once i change i go to the bathroom to put my hair in a ponytail. Looking in the mirror at Pip's braid, it's not even messed up, and i don't really want to take it out. I decide to keep the braid in.

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