Chapter 2

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A red light in the far left corner starts blinking rapidly, then a stern goes off non-stop. It's hurting my ears. The bald man runs in scared, I can't help but feel happy. He runs to my cage and opens it. "Come on were leaving." I stay staring with my little smirk. "Now!" His voice makes me jump. I'm out. I try to stand and feel weak, but I also feel free. For some odd reason I feel free from just stepping out of the cage. The man grades my arm and drapes me out the dark room. I'm back to being a prisoner. The hallway was long and narrow, the lights were flashing like in a horror movie. Up ahead I see a tall shadow. "Shit!" Is all he said. Every few blinks of the lights the figure came closer and closer, until the lights went off completely. The man let's go of my hand. Coming from my right i then here a familiar voice say, "I'll kill you for what u took." His voice sounded calm and steady.
Next thing I know the lights come back on and the smell of strawberries returned. I open my eyes to see a tall man with crystal blue eyes and yellow - blond hair sleeked back in a formal looking way, with ghostly white skin looking right at me. He smelled of strawberries.
"Thank you." My voice still weak. I turn to walk away, but he grabbed me a second later. I turn to meet his gaze, something makes me feel safe.
"Memorie. " he wraps his arm around me tight. The smell of strawberries strong. He let's go and kisses my forehead, his lips freezing cold.
The room fades in to colors, I see a blury face holding me as a baby. The blur slowly shows the man in front of me. Same blue eyes and blond hair. "Hi Memorie, it's me daddy." His smile is loving.
The room fades away bringing me back the the cold arms around me.
"Yes baby its father." My arms now wrapping around him.
"Now hurry we need to go." He let's go and holds my hand while we rush down the hallway. Looking left and right I see bodies on the floor, against the wall, or on tip of each other.
"Did you kill them?"
"Of course not I'm not monsters."
"But, what about the other man."he turns to meet my eyes.
"He was a different story."
We're finally out of the metal building in the middle of the woods, father picks me up and start running, running so fast I can barely see the figures of the trees. Finally we stopped he puts me down I turn and see a silver Jeep parked between to pine trees. As if on cue a beautiful 6 foot light brown wolf with green eyes steps out behind the trees towards us. I blink and now instead of a wolf a tall tan skinned woman with wavy light brown hair, to her waist, appears in front of me. Of close her cheek bones are sunken in not too deep. She's wearing a black t-shirt with navy blue skinny jeans along with brown heel boots.
"Memorie." She squeezes me tight.
"I missed you so much." I can feel her tears on my shoulders. Suddenly I realize the smell of bananas coming from her.
Everywhere around me fades back into an emergency room a woman holding me as a baby her face now coming into focus. "Hi baby its mommy." She looks sick, her hair is damp, she's sweating, and crying with a smile on her face.
"Mother." She let's go and stars at me with tears still coming.
"Yes, yes, yes! I'm mother.
"Clarisa, we need to go before someone wakes up. " mother and I turn to father. "Your right."her tone is now serious.
We get into the car and drive off father's driving and talking to mother, who's in the passenger seat. I sit in the back thinking. How come I didn't notice them before?
"Filine." I'm out of my daze.
"That's what's making your memories unclear and blury, it's a chemical that the Matalic people made, works on every species."
"Who's Matalic? "
"Their the people that took you."mothers jumps in with her scary voice.
"Danile, we need to go back and repay then the favor they gave us." She's talking through her teeth. Her face is fearless, but her hands are shaking. Father notices and hold her hand.
"We're not monsters, Clarisa." He's warm and caring in every way. She let's out the breath she's been holding.
"I know."
Around 20 minutes my stomach starts growling. Loudly. "Are you hungry." Mother makes it sound more of a statement then a question. I didn't answer, but she was already handed me a blood bag. Finally halfway through my 5th one I was full.
"Give me the rest." Father held out his hand, so I gave him the leftovers. Afterwards I fell asleep.
I see a little boy running tires me, laughing and smiling. "Ollie?"
"Yes memi." We've stopped running.
"Your ok!"I run up to him and squeeze. "Of course I am." I feel tears fall as he pats my head.
My eyes jolt awake to find mother hovered over me. Her smile is beautiful. I get out of the car only to find a breathtaking house in front of me. "Welcome home." I feel a smile spreading across my face.

Pic: Memorie's father and mother

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