Chapter 11

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I wake up to the beautiful view i fell asleep to. I pull myself up from my bed of flowers and walk up the mushroom steps, to the door. I twist the door knob and walk back into the kitchen with mother sitting at the table crying, father and auntie Selie confronting her. All eyes turn to me once i close the door behind me. "What's going on here?" Mother jumps up and hugs me, and holds on even after i hug her back for reinsurance.  "Dammit Selie, I thought you said you looked everywhere." Mother's voice sounds more relived than angry. "She went in there herself without leaving us a note, no one could have found her." Mother lets go of me and whips her eye's.  Father is looking at me with a smile on his face, and something in his eye. I zoom in for a better view, i see a small tear roll down his face. This is the first time I've seen father have emotion since i came back. "Mother i'm fine, i just wanted to relax somewhere, i'm sorry i didn't leave a note i will next time." "It's my fault for over reacting, now let's get you to school." She kisses my forehead and leads us upstairs.

Mother drove me to school just in time for third period. I walk in, hand my my note to the teacher and sit next to Alice. "Where were you?" her whisper is so frail and soft for anyone else they wouldn't be able to hear her. "At home, i was just running late." She doesn't ask anymore questions, and class goes on.

Gym class is over and it's time for lunch. We walk out of the locker room and the boys are waiting for us again. Alice speaks up, "Why are guys here." August walks towards her. "To have lunch with you, Are you coming?" Alice looks at me and i nod to show her i don't mind.  Pip grabs my arm and leads me to the front with him as we walk to the table from yesterday. I bet this is their usual spot, i mean Alice said the're the most popular guys in school so it would only make sense if they had a usual spot. We even sit down the same way from yesterday.  "Awe look Ricky barbie misses you." Drex's comment makes us all look over to Hellen, who's staring at us, or at Ricky i should say. "She's one on the clingiest you've ever had." August jumps in. "Awe come on ken go with her to her dream house." Alice's comment makes us all laugh, except for Ricky. I get up to go to the woods and Pip grabs my arm to hold me in place. "Where are you going?" "There is no reason for you to know where i'm going, but from you being a good acquaintance i'll let you know i'm hungry and i was planning on going into the woods." He pulls my arm down making me sit down while he gets into this backpack for a black water bottle. He hands me the the bottle. "Drink up it's my favorite, B-positive." Mine to, well i hope he wasn't planning on saving some for later. I chug down the blood before Pip changes his mind. I hand him the empty bottle, he shakes it and looks at me. I smile showing my teeth seaming innocent, he smiles back and puts his water bottle back into his backpack.

Walking to us is a tall slim girl. She has ghostly white hair, pale skin and grey eyes. She catches me looking and smiles showing off her fangs. This must be August's sister. She walks past Drex and ruffles his hair before she sits between him and Phil. Phil holds out his hand, "Ladies and gentlemen, back from the dead Eleanor." He longs out her name and at the end does an impression of an audience cheering and hooting. She half way bows. "Yes, yes, yes i'm back." I can't my curiosity and decide to ask. "Where where you?" Her gaze turns to me, her facial expression doesn't change, still sweet, still warm and confident. "We are travelers, but this trip i decided to go by myself." That doesn't answer my question at all, but good to know. "Where did you go." "I went to Alaska, not far but nice." "Why did you go by yourself?" "Theses little girls don't like the cold." Ironic. I look over at Alice, she's unsure about Eleanor, it's written all over her face. Alice follows my gaze to Alice. "You're sweet smelling, for a spell caster anyway." "Is that a bad thing?" Eleanor leans over the table and ruffles Alice's hair, "No it's not a bad thing, it's actually great. The greatest witches are the sweet smelling." August is looking at her in awe, under his breath he adds, "Yes she is." Alice heard him, that's no secret. "Get a room you three." Phil pushes Eleanor just a tad. Alice tries to hid her blushing face. 

Half way threw the conversion about Eleanor's trip, I realize she act more women then girl, then again i don't know how old she is, or how long she's lived. Pip leans towards me and whispers, in a way no one around us can hear, in my ear, "She's different from August isn't she." I lean into his. "Yes, why is that?" "She acknowledged reality and moved on, August has only acknowledged." We join back to the conversation. Eleanor is very free in spirit, talking to about the world makes me want to travel again. What me and my family did when i was younger wasn't traveling, it was more like a relocation. We lived our lives how we were supposed to making sure we were careful that no one was to suspect anything from us. Traveling was different, you got to see the sights from all over the town, not see it for a second on your way to the market now and then, learn the culture from people, and not from a textbook. You got to try new foods and enjoy it, not drink what you can. "Well since you're with us now you can see anything you want, anywhere you want." Eleanor's comment to me and Alice gave me a feeling of wanting and wishing. "So wait a few lunches together and now me and Alice are with you?" This was confusing if it was that easy to join their group then why haven't people that admire them from afar done this? "It's not that easy." Adds Pip, halfway answering my unsaid question. "Then how are we in?" Drex decides to answer this one. "It's not like anyone can just come and have lunch with us and boom their in, no it's more like.." "You fit right into our family." August was looking at Alice when he said this, she was looking at him. Both were in a trance that made it seam that they were the only one's there, they had only each other, but in reality everyone was looking at everyone, but Pip and I were looking at each other, no in the same way of course, why am i looking only at him? I turn and look at Eleanor, she's smiling at her brother an Alice. I look at Eleanor and feel a tingle run threw my body. They don't know it yet. Know what? "Who said that?" They all turn to me confused looks creep on their faces. Pip breaks he silence, "No one said anything." "Yes, someone said they don't know it yet." "Nope." I look around the table no one facial expression has changed, except for Eleanor's, she looks impressed. I focus on her trying to understand the meaning of the look. You can read thoughts? No ones lips have moved so i think back, Who is this? It's me silly, it's Eleanor, now what are you doing reading my thoughts? I didn't mean to, i-i didn't even know i could do this. I'm just playing and that's quit impressive though could come in handy. "Can you two stop having a staring contest now and join in on the plans for this weekend." Ricky snaps us back to conversation.  "Not everybody wants to go to Cast a spell every weekend." I stare at Eleanor till i feel the small spark of electricity from before. What's the Cast a spell? Her face perks up and she looks at me, but only for a second, she than looks at Drex looking fascinated by what's he's saying. It's a nightclub for night walkers, of all species. I break my trance before someone notices again. "Are you doing anything this weekend?" I look at Pip and try to decide what i am going to do this weekend. It's most likely that it's to soon to go out with them, not that they make me feel dis included. I just want to process what my life is now, i need to think, think about what i need to do to stay hidden in society, what i need to do is just...breath. "I'm going to stay home and get comfortable in my new life." Ricky jumps in. "Come party with us, you can breath while drinking a unicorn martini." He finishes his sentence with a wink. "Who even said we were going to the club." Drex is rubbing his eye's in annoyance when saying his comment. August turns to Alice. "If we do go, would you like to come?" She tries to hid her smiling face. "I'll think about it." Almost every time they have a moment like this they always end up staring at each other. Not just at their beautiful faces either, at their souls, body, mind, spirit, just everything. That alone is beautiful.

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